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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a List

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Building a List


Wednesday Workshop Series:
Behind The Scenes Of A Unicorn Launch: How Stasia Savasuk Sold 160 Spots in Her Course + Made $75k in 24 Hours

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Have you ever heard of a launch unicorn?

They are very rare (I’m not one but I wish i was!)

★A launch unicorn gets INCREDIBLE sales with a small audience and sells out their courses + program more easily then most of us!

Well my friend Stasia Savasuk happens to be one of these unicorns so next week I’m switching up my Weekly Workshop!!

We’re doing a deep dive into her November launch where she sold 160 spots in her Style School program in just 24 hours and made $75,000!!

(yep i know people think you can only make money like that if you are B2B but that is NOT true!)

PLUS she pretty much repeated these results when she launched again in January.

Watch this workshop to find out how she:

✔️engages her small audience in between launches
✔️what she did to take her course launch from 60 sales to 160+ sales 
✔️the launch steps she takes to sell out her courses over and over again in 24 hours
✔️how she supports so many members in her program at once

➡️SIGN UP for more business workshops + learn how to grow your business though multiple income streams at nicoleliloia.com/workshop


Read original article here


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