The Visibility by Women Index’s path to personal marketing and negotiation success and leadership tools.
3 min read
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Globally, only 10% of executive committees and 8% of CEOs have female representation, according to McKinsey. It is for this reason that it is necessary to have all the possible tools that help women to become visible to boost their careers.
The main barriers for a woman to achieve greater visibility and reach more leadership positions are personal considerations in the first place, such as not believing in your own talent.
“Many women suffer from the impostor syndrome and for this reason, we do not dare to express our ideas and raise our hands to show our merits, which would help us to make ourselves visible and obtain better professional opportunities”, says Tania Pimentel, Founder of Women Index .
In addition to that, there is a lack of training in matters of negotiation, leadership and how to charge for our work, since due to the pain of what they will say or to lose something for sure, we stop to ask for a salary increase or to collect just enough.
Additionally, there is a professional planning gap. “We need to have concrete objectives of where we want to go with our career from the beginning because many times we drift in this aspect of our lives”, considers the architect by profession and communication specialist.
Acquiring the skills that help us make our work known to continue gaining space is in our hands. Today there are multiple initiatives that can help us get a better salary, a higher rank in our work or start our own business. Even increasing our sales as a freelancer is possible thanks to personal marketing, negotiation and leadership tools.
A high impact program
Precisely to help give greater visibility to female professionals, the Women Index was created, a digital index that brings together women from all professions to make their work visible and promote.
The initiative was created last May, promoted by Tania, who also collaborates in the Association of Entrepreneurs of Mexico (ASEM) as director of Programs and content, generating training activities and support for entrepreneurs.
To date, almost 800 women have been added and it is in a process of expansion so that there is a greater diversity of profiles in order to cover the 60 categories of professions that the index has.
This initiative is accompanied by a high-impact program called Visibility by Women Index . It is an intensive training day that lasts six weeks where you can acquire tools that will help you make your work more visible.
“We will touch on fundamental topics that are not taught in school, of which there is a lot of contradictory and incomplete information on social networks, we will bring experts who can help the participants to develop a practical strategy that they can implement immediately in their jobs, ventures or ongoing projects ”, explains Tania.
With this program, women will be able to better define their professional purpose, overcome the impostor syndrome, create their personal brand, draw up a career plan, enhance their leadership role, negotiation tactics, give value to their work, better sell their profile, public speaking, social media strategies, public relations and creating alliances to generate exposure.
Sessions will be online and available each week for participants to study at their own pace. Additionally, there will be live sessions with the mentors to answer questions, share progress and experiences that enrich the group.
The call for “Visibility by Women Index” is open until Sunday, February 14 and you can register at this link .
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