Wednesday, April 24, 2024
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5 common mistakes entrepreneurs make when trying to get PR for their business

Looking to get media coverage or publicity for your business? There are a few things you can do that can help...

Are You Making Any of These 4 Mistakes When Creating Your Budget?

Another month goes by and you completely blew your budget. You can’t figure out where you are going wrong or how this keeps...

Avoid Launching Mistakes| ConvertKit| Authentic Affiliate Aademy

Nobody likes mistakes.  Especially me (recovering perfectionist and all that!). But the truth is that every time we make a mistake, we’re given an...

The 3 BIGGEST Hiring Mistakes To Avoid When Bringing On A Team Member | Megan Minns

When bringing on a new team member, the first common mistake that we see is hiring too fast. When you decide that you...

Avoid Launching Mistakes| ConvertKit| Authentic Affiliate Aademy

Nobody likes mistakes.  Especially me (recovering perfectionist and all that!). But the truth is that every time we make a mistake, we’re given an...

Common Mistakes CEO’s Make | Megan Minns

The truth is that you started your business because you wanted freedom, flexibility, or to be able to hit a revenue goal.Those reasons...

These are the business money mistakes I absolutely do not want to repeat

This post may contain affiliate linksGetting older is scary. But one (kinda) cool thing about it is that you have the benefit of...
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