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Home Women Business News 120 Positive Daily Affirmations For Happiness (w/ Science!)

120 Positive Daily Affirmations For Happiness (w/ Science!)

Want my top 120 positive affirmations, along with a special technique on how to maximize their usefulness?

In this guide, you will find:

  • the science of positive affirmations
  • the 120 best positive affirmations for ANY situation
  • the Thought Triggers Technique explained, and how it makes positive affirmations 10x more powerful
  • all the questions you have about positive affirmations answered in a mini FAQ

Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

What Are Positive Affirmations? (Definition)

Positive affirmations are words that you tell yourself to boost your mood, attract positivity in your life, and get closer to your goals. These can be written down, read, listened to, or simply repeated in your head. Positive affirmations, when repeated consistently, can reshape our thoughts and even influence our actions.

5 Benefits of Daily Positive Affirmations

5 Benefits of Daily Positive Affirmations Infographic

Now that you know the benefits, let’s dive into the list.

My 10 Favorite Positive Affirmations

#1: I got this!

I get in my head sometimes. Sometimes I worry, feel low confident, or get a little imposter syndrome.

When I feel like I can’t do something, I just tell myself, “I got this!”

It immediately brings me under control and reminds me that I can handle anything. I use this one for any nerve-wracking situation!

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#2: Good enough, this is enough, I am enough

I really struggle with being a perfectionist!

Perfect doesn’t exist, and you can never do it all. Whenever I catch myself just wanting to make the icing on the cake perfect, I take a step back and tell me I am enough.

This is especially useful when my daughter is running pantsless around the house and I’m struggling with all my tasks!

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#3: Be kind

This one’s my favorite.

When I tell myself to be kind, I tell myself to have compassion for others. That others are different, and that’s OK. That if someone is going through something, the best thing to do is be kind and don’t criticize.

I use this one to combat my inner judger!

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#4: What would ___ do?

Sometimes, you just want to channel your inner person:

  • What would Oprah do?
  • What would Gary Vee do?
  • What would [insert hero here] do?

That immediately helps me channel their own courage, intelligence, or smarts, and helps me immediately get out of my head. This frees up your mind and introduces new perspectives!

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#5: Baby steps

I’m a leaper. I’m a jumper.

What I mean by that is I like to take really big steps. If I have a business idea, I am ALL IN. But my hubbie and friends ground me and tell me to just calm down. One step at a time.

Because I learned that if you leap without looking, sometimes you fall.

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#6: I am here to be helpful

So I get a lot of stage fright and social anxiety. So whenever I go to a networking event or hop on a Zoom call, sometimes I worry I’m not going to do it or I’m just an imposter. But then I remind myself…

My entire mission in life is to just help people. To share helpful tips and actionable ideas.

So when I remind myself why I am here, it’s not to be someone I am not. It’s just to help people. It takes away all my anxiety because it reminds me it’s not about me… It’s about you!

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#7: I have everything I need

Sometimes I am trying to fight a scarcity mindset. This positive affirmation helps me flip my mind into an abundance or anti-scarcity mindset.

If you find yourself thinking you don’t have enough, save this one in your back pocket!

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#8: I’m learning

I’m a lifelong learner and have a growth mindset. So I am constantly reading and making mistakes. Instead of telling myself:

  • You’re slow!
  • You’re failing!
  • You’re not doing enough!

I counter these negative thoughts with, “I’m learning!” And as parents, I say, “We’re learning!” And there are always life lessons to learn. Every step of the way!

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#9: I’m grateful

I should definitely say this one more!

I’m grateful for you, I’m grateful I get to do these amazing videos, I’m grateful for my health, the weather, for everything I have in my life.

So when I am in a moment of calm or peace, I try to bring myself to a state of gratitude. The more I do this verbally and internally, the more appreciative the world becomes!

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#10: I love you

This is an amazing affirmation. I do this all the time when I’m reading something awesome on social media. Or if I’m with my friends. Or even if I’m not even seeing them, but thinking about them!

This is a great affirmation to spread the love and happiness to my friends and family, and even to the world.

Now, these are MY top 10 affirmations. And here are 120 more I handpicked that I absolutely LOVE. Hopefully, these will help you, no matter your situation.

120 More Positive Affirmations That Can Change Your Life

Here are 120 handpicked affirmations that are powerful and potent. Feel free to modify them to match your life and make them truly yours.

Positive morning affirmations

I hear too many stories of people waking up and immediately checking their phones (bad) or turning on the news (the worst!). What’s the #1 thing you can do in the morning? Give yourself a positivity boost! This will kickstart your day into hyperdrive mode so you can go out and be the best version of yourself!

Sylvia Ashton-Warner quote on positive affirmations

Here they are, starting with:

#1: I am positive. I am loved. I am enough.

#2: I start every day with gratitude and thanks.

#3: Today is full of opportunity.

#4: I am grateful for waking up today. I am grateful for what I have. I am grateful for being here.

Each day I have is a blessing and a gift - positive affirmation

#6: I am confidently making choices that will create a better future.

#7: Today I am working toward creating the life of my dreams.

#8: I have everything I need.

#9: Life is full of meaning. I will make the most of this day.

#10: Today I will be fabulous.

Daily positive self-affirmations

Here are my favorite affirmations I do in front of the mirror. They are great everyday affirmations because the messages are very powerful and can apply to many areas of your life. Set a notification, repeat these affirmations throughout your day, and your life will blossom!

Demi Lovato possitve affirmations quote

#11: Never talk negative. Use words like “yes,” “success,” and “I can.”

#12: I am positive and create joy and happiness for others.

#13: I have a positive attitude and accept with an open heart everything that comes.

#14: I feel healthy, wealthy, and wise.

#16: I focus on what I can control. I let go of the rest.

#17: I live the best life, in the best home, with the love of my life.

#18: I am present, powerful, and calm.

#19: I am focused on my family, relationships, and career.

#20: My dreams, goals, and challenges will be achieved through focus and hard work.

#21: I am motivated and have high energy.

Positive affirmations for women

Are you a struggling mother, wife, or daughter? Or maybe you have a struggling woman in your life that could use a positivity boost. I handpicked these affirmations specifically for women so they can thrive in their lives! I hope these affirmations can empower you to the fullest.

Emma Watson quote about positive affirmations

#22: I am learning to be a better wife, mother, and daughter with each new day.

#23: I embrace being a positive, joyful, playful woman.

#24: My courage is a strong tower that surrounds me. I transform problems into challenges, weaknesses into strengths, and fear into action.

Positive affirmation: I am a caring, kind, and generous mother. I am doing the best I can for my children.

#26: I am a confident and capable woman. I am powerful and deserve to be appreciated.

#27: My femininity and intelligence shines with brightness.

#28: Every day I continue to become a stronger woman for myself and those I care about.

#29: Every step I take is in the right direction. The path I walk on is empowering myself and all the women in the world.

#30: I am living my own life with my own unique story. I live free from the opinions of others.

Positive affirmations for men

Want something a bit more manly or tough? These positive affirmations are specifically for men so they can conquer whatever challenges they are faced with.

“The successful warrior is the average man with laser-like focus.”—Bruce Lee

#31: I fight for my highest values and beliefs.

#32: I am handsome, confident, and valuable.

#33: I focus on my highest goals and conquer all that stands in my way.

#34: I am proud to be a man, and I am proud to be myself.

Positive affirmation: I choose to compete with myself and not with others. I choose to become the best version of myself.

#36: I embrace my masculinity in all forms.

#37: I am grateful for what I have, what I have accomplished, and who I am today.

#38: I am a warrior. I live with pride and honor. I value family, hard work, and honesty above all else.

#39: It’s okay to show vulnerability. True men accept their emotions with an open heart.

#40: I am strong and resilient. I grow stronger every day.

Positive affirmations for kids

Affirmations work not only for adults—they are great for kids ! My daughter Sienna loves to repeat some of these affirmations just for fun. They also help because she’s exposing herself to positive self-talk at such a young age! Woo-woo!

“A two-year old is kind of like having a blender, but you don’t have a top for it.”

#41: I can try my best.

#42: I am perfect just the way I am.

#43: I can learn how to do this.

#44: I make good choices.

Positive affirmation:  I am brave. I can do this.

#46: It’s OK to ask for help when I need it.

#47: Life is tough, but so am I.

#48: I can be kind no matter what.

#49: I love my family and support them.

#50: Saying sorry shows that I care.

Positive affirmations for teens

Teenagers have their own set of problems. Peer acceptance. Bullying. Lack of respect. Negative self-image. These are the positive images I wish I could tell my younger self when I was a socially-awkward teen.

Angelina Jolie positive affirmations quote

#51: The people who are judging me in my life are the ones most afraid of being judged.

#52: I forgive those who have harmed me in my past and peacefully detach from them.

#53: It is okay to feel fragile, sensitive, alone, and sad. These feelings are part of being a human being.

#54: I show myself kindness and forgiveness when I feel alone.

Positive affirmation:  I acknowledge my own self-worth; my confidence is soaring.

#56: I am greater than those who bring down my self-worth. I give myself permission to love myself.

#57: I overcome all pressures of drugs and alcohol. I hold myself to the highest values and morals.

#58: Social media is only a small part of life. True life is beyond the phone.

#59: In a few years, everyone will forget what happened today. Nobody cares what I wore yesterday, either.

#60: I surround myself with positive influences and people who treat me well.

Positive affirmations for success

Do you want to be wildly successful? Does that mean owning a mansion, 10 Lamborghinis, or just earning enough so you can eat out once a week at a restaurant other than Taco Bell?

Once you know what success means to you, the road to achieving it may not be easy—but it’s 1000x easier with a positive attitude! Just imagine if Eeyore or Winnie the Pooh had to make a million dollars from scratch. Who would you place your bets on to succeed?

“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.” Coco Chanel

These are my favorite affirmations I use for success:

#61: I inspire others to succeed. My mission spreads positivity to the world. I am powerful and capable.

#62: I am successful. I enjoy being successful. I see opportunities to be successful everywhere I look.

#63: I am an action-taker. I build my own success through my hard work.

#64: Every day, in my own way, I am becoming more successful.

Positive quote: I believe in my ability to unlock the way and set myself free.

#66: I am the leader of my life. I am the writer of my story. I am the master of my path.

#67: I believe I can do anything.

#68: I will succeed. I have abundance. I have extreme dedication to my goals.

#69: I have unlimited potential. I will succeed.

#70: I am a success magnet and everything that I do attracts success.

Positive affirmations for love

It can be hard to love others and especially hard to love yourself. The old saying goes, “You have to love yourself first in order to be loved.” But what if you can love yourself AND others at the same time?

These positive affirmations help you radiate love in all areas of your life. When reciting these affirmations, make sure to feel the love within yourself. The more you can “create” that internal love, the better the effects from these love affirmations.

Loretta Young positive quote:“Love isn’t something you find. Love is something that finds you.”

#71: I deserve a healthy, happy, long-lasting relationship.

#72: I radiate beauty and confidence. I am comfortable in my own skin.

#73: I choose that which brings me and others great joy, happiness, and peace.

#74: I appreciate my partner. I value my partner’s unique traits, both good and bad.

Positive affirmation: I am kind to myself. I am grateful for myself. I love myself unconditionally.

#76: I believe in myself and in others around me. I radiate love and compassion.

#77: I am worthy of love.

#78: A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love.

#79: My failed relationships give me strength for the future. Forgiveness and compassion are all I need to move on.

#80: I spread love to those around me. Love enters my life in abundance.

Positive affirmations for depression

Have you ever been in a slump? The kind that sticks with you and refuses to let go? First of all, you’re not alone. People often assume I’m the cheerleader go-getter type 24/7, but I have those sad days just like everyone else!

There’s a science behind depression, and the brain plays a key part in our mood. So what can we learn? Let’s take a look at how negative self-talk hurts us: Research has shown that negative self-talk can even exacerbate feelings of depression.

Positive affirmation quote by Albert Camus

Yikes! On the other hand, to get out of a slump, a Positivity Cocktail might be all we need. Here are my favorite affirmations when I’m having a poopy day:

#81: I am peaceful. I am calm. I am resilient in the midst of change.

#82: I do my best every day and let the future take care of itself.

#83: I have always gotten over bad times in life. I will get through this one.

#84: I am the type of person who can handle anything. Happiness comes to me effortlessly.

Positive affirmation: I focus on what’s in front of me, one step at a time.

#86: I will face my fears and come out of this stronger than ever.

#87: I am in charge of my personal happiness, and today I choose happiness over sadness and depression.

#88: I accept both the ups and downs as being a valuable part of my life.

#89: I love myself, regardless of what people think of me.

#90: I am not my depression. Depression is an experience that I am going through.

Positive affirmations for health

Did you know that over 95% of the world’s population has health problems? Yikes!

But it makes sense. Our bones get creaky, our eyes dry up, and even more life-threatening problems like cancer or autoimmune diseases happen for no apparent reason. If you’re facing a health problem or just want to stay healthy, here are some affirmations for you.

Anne Wilson Schaef quote on positive affirmations

#91: I accept the changes that are happening to my body. I am open to this change.

#92: I focus on being the healthiest version of myself in this moment.

#93: I am beautiful on the inside and out.

#94: I am happy. I am healthy. I am well.

Positive affirmation:  I take care of myself. I am perfect with all my imperfections.

#96: I am investing in my health because I know I am worth it.

#97: My thoughts, feelings, and body are perfect and whole.

#98: My body is my temple. I care for my temple and remain unshakable, no matter what happens.

#99: I am getting stronger, healthier, and fitter every day.

#100: Exercise will bring me longevity and many extra years to come.

Positive affirmations for Christians

I recently did a talk at the Global Leadership Summit, a Christian-based event bringing together world-class experts on leadership. Their event was so inspiring that I felt compelled to include a section specifically for Christians. This section is for you—thank you for spreading joy and happiness to the world!

"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile."—Max Lucado

#101: I have complete faith in God, myself, and all others.

#102: Because I place my hope in God, I can soar like an eagle, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint.

#103: I open my heart to God and what He is telling me. I am fully supported by God.

#104: God will never give me more than I can handle.

Positive affirmation - God is with me every step of the way in my journey.

#106: I wholeheartedly believe my prayers are heard.

#107: Joy and happiness come with the obstacles in my life. The Lord gives me challenges so i can gain perseverance and maturity.

#108: My strength will renew with my hope in the Lord.

#109: All I can do is give it my all. I leave the rest to God.

#110: I represent the light of Christ; I shine wherever I go.

Positive affirmation for money

When I was in debt and building a business, I used positive affirmations on a daily basis to retune my mind. Specifically, my affirmations included words of wealthy wisdom. I am a strong believer that your relationship with money and how you view it will determine how much money you make… so I hope these affirmations can shift your mindset toward one of positive wealth.

Kevin O’Leary positive affirmation quote

#111: I conquer all money obstacles that stand in my way.

#112: I love money. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

#113: I am open to receiving all the wealth that comes my way.

#114: I deserve to be financially free. I have enough money to give to others.

Positive affirmation: : My wealth creates happiness and prosperity in my life.

#116: I earn enough money to afford the lifestyle I want.

#117: The actions I take today prepare me for a future full of wealth and abundance.

#118: I choose money, and money chooses me.

#119: Money comes to me like an endless flow of rain.

#120: Making money is fun. I love the work I do and seeing my wealth grow.

Positive Affirmations on YouTube for Meditation

Ahh, I love a good YouTube video to relax to. These are my top 3 powerful positive affirmation videos. I listen to these when I sleep or meditate, and they give me a mood boost every time.

#1: POSITIVE LIFE AFFIRMATIONS – Uplifting Daily Exercise

I’ve been following The Honest Guys for years, and they are by far one of my favorite YouTube channels for meditation and positivity. The narrator’s voice is oh-so soothing, and this video features a backdrop of calming music accompanied by amazing affirmations such as:

  • I am good enough, I am more than good enough.
  • I attract healthy relationships.
  • I follow my dreams with passion and certainty.

This one’s perfect for a morning wind-up:

#2: SELF-LOVE Affirmations – Reprogram Your Mind (While You Sleep)

Need an extra shot of love in your life? I love this affirmation for self-love. Jess’s voice is very soft and relaxing, perfect for winding down at night. And since the video lasts just above 8 hours, you can even set a timer when the video ends to wake up fresh and loving!

#3: “I AM RICH” | Money Affirmations | Listen Before You Sleep!

When I was struggling to pay off my mortgage, and my business was showing red marks, I constantly listened to money affirmations. I can say that having a positive wealthy mindset played a large factor in my career success.

This video is a new affirmation that I’ve been listening to, and I find it helps me easily get into the “growth” mindset.

Positive Affirmations Audiobooks

Who doesn’t love a good audiobook nowadays? If you’re on your daily commute to work, exercising, or love listening with your snazzy headphones, here are my favorite affirmations to listen to:

#1: Rewire Your Brain: 300 Affirmations for Positive Thinking

OK, first up is Rewire Your Brain. I love this audiobook because it’s the perfect length at one hour, and the narrator’s voice is calm and confident. Whenever I listen to this, I always get in a groove because the music and words are so beautifully combined to give me a feeling of empowerment. This is quite possibly my favorite affirmations audio!

#2: Positive Thoughts and Affirmations: Use Positive Thinking to Change Your Life Instantly with Beach Hypnosis and Meditation

Next we have a great audiobook that has 7 unique ocean backdrops—it brings me back to sandy white beaches and daiquiris on a hot summer day! Positive Thoughts and Affirmations is super positive, and the narrator’s voice is powerful and calm. If you need a slow-down in life and want to relax, I highly recommend this one.

#3: Morning Meditations for Daily Magic: Part 1

OK, so not specifically positive affirmations, but Morning Meditations for Daily Magic is a killer way to start the day! These recordings include quick 10-minute guided meditations that are super supportive and inspiring. If you like moving, breathing, and meditation, check out this audiobook.

Positive Affirmation Apps

Did you know there are a ton of apps you can take with you? I absolutely LOVE using these apps because I can take them with me everywhere I go. The only downside is there are so many apps for both Apple and Android users. I’ve tried and uninstalled countless apps, and these are the ones that have stuck with me today:

#1: I am – Daily affirmations reminders for self care

If I had to describe this app in one word, it would be BEAUTIFUL! If you love a gorgeous user experience, I am delivers with a colorful illustrated design.

They offer many different categories of affirmations so you can work on specific goals.

Want to mix it up? There are also many beautiful theme backgrounds you can choose for your affirmations.

I am positive affirmation app's backgrounds

It’s also easy to practice positive affirmations with this app, as there are daily reminders you can set to notify you that it’s time to practice.

This is a great app for the first-timers getting into affirmations! The only downside is that it costs $21.99/year to unlock everything. Otherwise, the basic version offers plenty to get started.

Available on iOS and Android

#2: Selfpause: Positive Affirmations & Manifestations

Selfpause is great because it combines many features into one. First of all, you can choose from a huge selection of affirmations.

They also have a variety of sounds you can use to calm your mind, study, or work with.

I also love that they have unique voice actors who speak these affirmations to you. This is a special touch that makes these affirmations more personal. None of those weird robo-AI voices!

Selfpause positive affirmation app's human voices

They also have a lot of niche affirmations. For example, they even have… tennis affirmations! Great for my husband, Scott, since he loves to play.

Available on iOS and Android

#3: ThinkUp

This one’s my favorite app! ThinkUp’s best feature is that you can record your own affirmations. As you can see, I’ve recorded 127 of my own affirmations (and counting!).

ThinkUp positive affirmation app's recordings

There are also hundreds of positive affirmations you can add. You can even add your own custom ones.

I also love that you can set a background track while listening to your own voice. This makes the app feel more like a meditative journey!

If you’re looking for a premium affirmation app, this one’s for you!

Available on iOS and Android

The Science of Positive Affirmations

Now, do positive affirmations really work? The short answer is…

It depends.

There’s a lot of science behind positive affirmations, and there’s a proper way to do them and a not-so-proper way.

Here’s where it doesn’t work:

Affirmations don’t work if you have low self-esteem.

Person with low self-esteem trying to say a positive affirmation which doesn't work

According to one study, positive self-statements were shown to be beneficial to those with a high self-esteem, but detrimental to people with low self-esteem.

“When people with low self-esteem repeated the statement, ‘I’m a lovable person,’ or focused on ways in which this statement was true of them, neither their feelings about themselves nor their moods improved—they got worse.”

Affirmations don’t work if you don’t spend time with them.

Persobn sitting in front of computer reading positive affirmations

Here’s the deal:

Positive affirmations are lonely.

You’ve got to spend time with them, foster their growth, and in return, they’ll give you back lots of love and support that you’ve always wanted.

Don’t do this:

Reader: Ugh, another positive affirmation!?

Reader [reading]: Wait! This one’s actually kinda… nice! Uh-huh. Mmm-hmm. Wow, I like it!

Reader: *continues browsing cat videos on YouTube*

This is why most affirmations don’t work and where 90% of people get it wrong.

And finally…

Affirmations don’t work when you disagree with them.

A person that disagrees with positive affirmations

This one may sound obvious, but trying to convince yourself of something you don’t believe in just doesn’t work.

“… if people who believe that they are unlovable repeat, ‘I’m a lovable person,’ they may dismiss this statement and perhaps even reinforce their conviction that they are unlovable.”

Like, would you really start believing it if a random guy told you there were purple cows roaming the earth? Probably not—unless that random guy was Seth Godin.

So does this mean if you have low self-esteem, skim affirmations, and disagree with them, you should just give up now?

Absolutely not!

With the power of Thought Triggers, anyone can take advantage of positive affirmations.

But first, when do positive affirmations actually work?

Affirmations work when they agree with your existing values

Happy person saying a positive affirmation that agrees with his existing values

According to studies:

“Self-affirmation inductions—such as questionnaires or writing exercises that remind participants of their important personal values—may have the potential to reduce defensive resistance to health-risk information.”

In a nutshell, if an affirmation aligns with your core values, it’s more likely to work.

I know it sounds simple, but this is where a lot of people get it wrong. They’ll pick an affirmation because it’s popular or some snazzy blogger uses it.

Don’t do this.

Pick an affirmation that aligns with a value you already have, instead of trying to create one.

It’ll stick better in the long run.

Affirmations work if you have a growth mindset

Person painting with a growth mindset and a positive affirmation

Carol Dwecke’s amazing book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, describes the growth mindset as the belief that the “most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.”

Not just sheer talent or skill.

Hard. Freakin’. Work!

Affirmations work in the same way. In one study, affirmations of ability (“I am very good at this!”) were compared with affirmations of performance (“I will do my very best!”):

Children who engaged in self-talk based on performance increased their competency levels, while children who engaged in ability self-talk did not increase their performance at all.

So the bottom line? Don’t believe you’re the best. Instead, believe you can do better.

Positive affirmations can work if they are future tense

Using positive affirmations in future tense

There’s a belief that positive affirmations ALWAYS have to be in the present tense.

This is false.

In fact, a brain-imaging study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows that positive affirmations are very effective when they are aimed at the future.

That’s because we may not believe in the future affirmation at this moment, but we DO believe in our ability to get there in the future.

For example, we may not believe the statement:

“I am rich and wealthy.”

However, we MAY believe:

“I will be rich and wealthy one day.”

So if you’re having trouble because an affirmation doesn’t resonate with you, try making it future tense.

Positive affirmations may work when posed as questions

Positive affirmations posed as questions

Another study suggests that positive affirmations work better when they’re posed as questions. The study, published in the journal Psychological Science, had participants in 4 groups write down one of the following samples:

  • “I will”
  • “Will I”
  • “I”
  • “Will”

After writing them down, there was clear evidence that the group that wrote “Will I” performed better at a cognitive test after the writing samples.


Because asking ourselves is much more powerful than telling ourselves.

For example, have you ever put unnecessary pressure on yourself by saying something like, “I am going to give an amazing speech” or “I’m going to ask her out,” only to have it fail miserably afterward?

Telling ourselves puts too much pressure on us.

On the other hand, questions work because they make us think.

Questions make us find solutions, not garner expectations.

So if you think you’re immune to positive affirmations or many of them just don’t work, try turning the affirmation into a question.

Now, how do you best maximize your positive affirmations?

How to Use Positive Affirmations Using Thought Triggers

A representation of thought triggers for positive affirmations

Before I get into the Thought Triggers Technique, I’d like to give you some background with a story.

This one starts with turkeys.

In Robert Cialdini’s book, there’s this concept of mother turkeys who are amazing, protective mothers.The big downside?

Her motherly instincts kick into overdrive when she hears the little “cheep-cheep” sounds coming from her chicks.

The chicks often produce this sound when a polecat (or ferret), the natural enemy of the turkey, is nearby. This will instantly cause a mother turkey to go into “attack mode” and fling herself at the polecat on sight.

She will even fight off a stuffed version of a polecat.

And that “cheep-cheep” sound is so powerful to a mother turkey that if you take that sound and place it in a stuffed polecat?

She will protect the polecat just like one of her baby chicks.

Now, Thought Triggers work in the same way.

We can literally program positive affirmations to “trigger” our instincts, changing our thought processes as soon as we hear or think about the affirmation.

For example, I have a personal affirmation I repeat in my head every time before I go on stage.

My affirmation makes me feel more confident, charismatic, and readier than ever.

This is the entire concept behind my Thought Triggers Technique.

So without further ado, here the 3 steps you can take to create a powerful Thought Trigger.

Step #1: Modify

The first step is quite simple, but it’s also crucial to pick a good affirmation since you’ll stick with it for a long time. When choosing an affirmation, first think to yourself: What is my goal? What do I want to accomplish in my life?

Remember that list of 120 positive affirmations? You can choose from them to help in many areas of your life.

Explore that list, find some more, or even create your own. But the most important thing?

Make sure the positive affirmation you choose resonates with you.

You should feel a resounding “YES!” when you read the affirmation. It should get you excited, send chills down your spine, or make you jump up and down like a maniac. Go wild!

So earlier I talked about not choosing just any affirmation.

Instead, you have to make it personal to get that resonance factor.


For example, instead of “I am a lovable person,” you might want to make it “Sometimes I don’t feel loved. But I deserve to be a lovable person.”

The key is making the affirmation believable for YOU.

An example of rewriting a negative sentence with a positive affirmation

In fact, every one of my positive affirmations has a personal modifier to it. I feel like they become more “mine” when I do.

Adding your own personal modifier will make any affirmation that much more powerful!

Here are a couple of my personal affirmations to get you started:

  • Instead of “I am a confident and capable woman.” —> “I am a confident and capable public speaker.”
  • Instead of “I will always find love in life.” —> “I will always find love in life, like when I found Scott.”

And if you want a more in-depth method of writing your own affirmation, I’ll cover that shortly below.

Special Note: Don’t fall victim to buyer’s choice dilemma! There may never be a “perfect affirmation” out there, so choose the one that suits you best.

Step #2: Imbue

Got your positive affirmation? Amazing!

Now I want you to think of your positive affirmation as a tank. The more you imbue your affirmation with emotions, the more the tank fills, and the more powerful it becomes.

For example, just think about your favorite food ever.

Mine is good ol’ pizza.

Remember all those good times you spent with pizza? Hanging around friends at parties, during family game nights, and even on those days you wanted to cuddle up and be alone.

Pizza never lets you down.

I want you to do the same with affirmations.

Person filling an emotion tank with positive affirmations

To fill your tank, here is a 3-step process that imbues emotion into your affirmation:

  • Record the affirmation in your own voice. I find that having an affirmation that I listen to really helps, especially if it’s my own voice. It’s the same voice we hear in our heads with our “inner monologue,” and using our own voices gives it that much more believability.
  • Visualize. Take some time to think of past scenarios and events that relate to your affirmation. For example, if your affirmation is to develop courage, think of all the times you were brave or proud of yourself for standing up for something. Or if it’s a love affirmation, relive those loving moments. Relive these moments while listening to your recorded affirmation or repeating it like a mantra. This process can take anywhere from 2 minutes to half an hour.
  • Repeat. The more you can visualize and “add” emotions to your affirmation, the more powerful this trigger will become, and the more confidence you’ll have in your affirmation.

After you’ve created emotions, the final part is putting it into action.

Step #3: Trigger

So now you know how to create a trigger—when do you use it?

You can use your new Thought Trigger to:

  • calm your nerves before giving a public speech
  • give you a confidence boost before a sales pitch or important meeting
  • reassure yourself when wooing that handsome stud
  • feel more loved when feeling lonely or sad
  • feel less stressed when facing financial difficulty

… the possibilities are endless.

And the best part about Thought Triggers is that it’s a snowball effect.

In other words, each time you gain a positive result with your Thought Trigger, you’ll reinforce those emotions, making your affirmation that much more strong.

Thought Triggers are a compound investment of your emotions.

And if it goes bad?

You can go back and re-imbue your trigger with stronger emotions, or create a new Thought Trigger.

How to Write Your Own Positive Affirmations

Here’s the deal: There’s no better way to have a positive affirmation stick with you than making it personal.

I like to gather inspiration from other positive quotes, and make them my own. Here’s how I do it in 5 steps:

  1. Grab a pen and paper. Writing things down helps the affirmation “sink” deeper into your mind and be more powerful.
  2. Visualize a goal. Where do you want to be in the future? What does your ideal lifestyle look like? Visualize one goal and see how it “feels” to achieve it.
  3. Be specific. For example, if you want to increase your finances, don’t just write “I want to get richer.” Instead, a more specific example would be “I want to earn $25,000 more per year.”
  4. Find inspiration. If you need inspiration, browse the internet (or this guide!) and find a quote or affirmation that resonates with your goal.
  5. Write the affirmation down. It can be in the present tense, future tense, or as a question. There’s no hard rule about this. Rework your affirmation and find the best wording for you.

And that’s it! Your personal positive affirmation is done.

And once you’ve done one, why not more?

Here’s my challenge for you: Come up with 10 personal, positive affirmations that are unique to YOU. This can be done over the course of a few days or even weeks (or in one sitting, if you’re in the writing zone). Once these are made, make it a habit to review these 10 affirmations as part of your daily morning or evening routine.

30 Days to Change Your Life

Can you guess how many thoughts a person has in one day? Is it:

  1. 100
  2. 1,000
  3. 4,000
  4. 6,000

The answer?

Click to reveal

d. 6,000.

A recent study by Queen’s University found that the average person has more than 6,000 individual thoughts every single day.

These thoughts are also called “thought worms,” or patterns of activity in our brain. When an activity pattern changes, a new thought worm is created.

How many negative thought worms are in your brain every day?

Negative thought worms in a person's brain who needs some positive affirmations

And what if you could completely rewrite your thoughts in just 30 days?

Amazingly, Lisa Nichols did just that. As the now-bestselling author of Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today, Lisa faced chronic depression. She resolved to change her life around in 30 days, and in that month she chose 3 sentences to repeat to herself.

These 3 sentences completely changed her life. Lisa finally learned to love herself again.

What are these 3 sentences? Watch the video below to find out:

If you repeat your favorite affirmations for 30 days and use the power of Thought Triggers, you may be surprised to find how much more radiant and beautiful your life becomes.

Positive Affirmations Mini FAQ

Here are a collection of commonly-asked questions from readers like you:

How long does it take for affirmations to work?

Generally, positive affirmations can take between 7 days to one month to solidify in your mind. [study on brain change permanent effects meditation]

How many affirmations should I say in one day?

There is generally no limit to the amount of affirmations you should say; however, there IS a sweet spot. I find my ideal range is repeating affirmations in my mind for 3–5 minutes in the morning and night.

Do you have to say affirmations out loud for them to work?

No, you do not have to say affirmations out loud. As long as you are repeating the affirmations in your mind, you will “hear” the affirmations regardless. However, there is a benefit to saying affirmations verbally, as speaking affirmations out loud forces your mouth muscles to activate and your ears to listen, strengthening your neural connections in the process.

Can affirmations make you rich?

Unfortunately, the power of positive affirmations can’t really “make” you rich. This is a common belief of the Law of Attraction—that if you really believe in something, it will magically “manifest” itself in your life. However, consistently bringing attention to a money-related affirmation can help you focus more and foster a positive relationship with your wealth.

Do affirmations work while you sleep?

Yes and no. Recent research shows we can learn skills faster when exposed to certain cues during the slow-wave stage of a 90-minute nap. However, another study points out that those who stayed up late listening to audio recordings recalled significantly less than those who simply slept during this time. So your best bet? You can listen to affirmations while you sleep, but don’t rely on this as your only method.

My Favorite Quote…

OK, I said I was going to list 120 affirmations, but here’s a bonus for you—my all-time favorite quote:

Ralph Waldo Emerson positive quote

This was a huge guide. Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below, or share with us your favorite positive affirmation or quote!

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