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19 Secrets To My Success

I had several conversations about two weeks ago where people either touched upon or directly asked me ‘how I do it’?. When I asked them what they meant they wanted to know how I’m able to sustain Womeneur successfully and consistently after nearly three years (Womeneur launched April 2015). And for the ones that know me pre-Womeneur, they’ve continuously seen me succeed at all my entrepreneur ventures. Below pretty much sums up why I am able to stay on top of my game.


  1. I talk the talk and walk the walk – You know that saying ‘if it walks and talks like a duck, then it’s a duck’? Well, the same applies to me. I don’t just talk to talk. I can back it up and I do. This is how I gain people’s trust, because I follow through.
  2. I’m not a social media star, I have social proof – I am by no means knocking the digital space. The magnitude of awareness and connections it has driven. But…. if social media shut down, I will still be successful and don’t solely rely on social media for attention or clients. I have a track record – social proof – before the explosion of social media. In other words… you can google me and find info about me as far back as 2008.
  3. I’m consistent – this is one the biggest factors to play a part of whether or not you will succeed. I show up every time and I don’t overwhelm or bite off more than I can chew. Also, I am realistic with my time frame and do what I can realistically do in the time frame available (after taking care of my personal needs, socializing, etc)
  4. I work my entire ass off – My work ethic is unmatched. I sacrifice and prioritize now for future benefits. Also, I do what it takes to get sh*t done.
  5. I remain humble – I come from humble beginnings and I NEVER forget where I came from. I’ll never be that individual who will be inaccessible or think I’m too good for the same people I used to once be. I’m not better than anyone… definitely may have more knowledge and experience than others, but I’m that person who treats the janitor and CEO the same.
  6. I don’t kiss ass – nope, never have and never will. I shouldn’t either. There were many days I wanted a contract or client or sale, but I always kept my standards. No one is that great that I should have to beg or sell my soul.
  7. I create my own – to piggy-back off #6 – I am a firm believer of creating my own events, workshops, memberships, etc. this allows me to grow and then create additional partnerships and collaborations. Additionally, it allows me to kinda control my destiny – as well as additional streams of income
  8. I’m authentic and walk in my truth & power – took me a while to get this space. Yes, I’ve dealt with low self-esteem, lack of confidence and I allowed the behavior and thoughts of random, irrelevant people to write my narrative. I eventually reached a space where I decided I’m going to live for me. This has attracted the right people in my corner, amazing opportunities and it builds trust and loyalty
  9. I leverage my contacts – I’ve been in business since 2006 and it has afforded me the opportunity to meet 100s of people. I foster a ‘you scratch my back I’ll scratch your back’ type of exchange. One where we’re both not connecting with each other just to ask for favors. I met a woman years ago when I launched my first business in 2006. We both saw each other grow and prosper and she opened a winery. My point? She ‘came through’ for me to serve her wines at both my Womeneur launch in 2015 and last April at WomeneurCon 2017. This is without barely speaking for years (but in between the years, we consistently ‘put each other on’), but we both know the value we bring each other… not to mention the respect is there. Please take your time to foster and develop relationships with people you share synergy with.
  10. I don’t shit on anyone – As I mentioned earlier, I treat the janitor the same as the CEO. Everyone gets treated with respect, even if something doesn’t work out in my favor. I keep it professional and move on
  11. I uplift, inspire and empower people to win – I’m an avid supporter of women’s empowerment and I’m not afraid to put people in a winning position. Giving and sharing has come back to me ten-fold in ways many people can only imagine.
  12. I positively affirm my mind daily – Another large factor to success is to block out the bullsh*t, the naysayers, staying positive and persevering even when all the odds are stacked against you. And, I keep have an affirmation manifesto as my laptop and cell phone screensaver, not to mention I read daily and it always includes self-development books
  13. I make money with my strengths – You know I’ve learned how to best package my knowledge to solve peoples’ problems and move them further to their goals
  14. I delegate my weaknesses – As a startup entrepreneur, you will be forced to wear many hats. But the goal when you’re financially able is to delegate the areas of your work you don’t prosper in. Consistently trying to do everything may be the downfall of your business
  15. I work on my business vs working in it – to piggyback off #14. I read Michael Gerber’s book – The E-Myth Revisited. This book has pretty much enlightened me about the mistakes of consistently working ‘in’ your business (day-to-day grind) versus ‘on’ your business (growing, scaling, partnering, etc). At some point, you have to step out from the trenches of your business
  16. I say what I mean and mean what I say – When you first start your business – and even while you’re growing it – until anyone knows who you are, you need to establish trust and credibility. Until people do consistently see you in action, they will only have your word to rely on. I have become known to be credible and trust-worthy because I don’t just flap my lips. I’m intentional with what I say.
  17. I have a winning mindset – I’ve taken time to develop my confidence and truly believe I can do whatever I set out to. Moreover, I envision it and believe it and do whatever it takes days to move me closer to winning.
  18. I read daily – I’m a fairly avid reader – maybe not as much now as I’d like, but to overcome that I made it part of my daily, morning routine. It’s essential to educate your mind – especially about topics in your industry. Reading affords you the opportunity to ‘keep the conversation going’ and to also apply what I know to continue increasing my strengths and turn that into profit
  19. I don’t compare myself to others – I used to this a lot, but no more. I finally realized that everyone’s chapter and story is different. It’s self-deprecating behavior and serves you no purpose.

What are secrets to your success?

Read original article here

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