Sunday, May 19, 2024
Home Women Business News 5 Ways to be Successful without Overworking Yourself

5 Ways to be Successful without Overworking Yourself

We often link success and efficiency to long hours, sacrifices, tiredness, and stress. Don’t get me wrong, it takes time, commitment, and effort to achieve success but not necessary it has to be so painful! Very often what we are lacking is the clarity on how to accomplish it, step by step. So, we either give up before we even start or we work endless hours and let the stress take over our lives.

Tell me if it sounds familiar… 

It’s Sunday, you’ve just come up with a great idea, a big plan that may change your life for better. You feel excited, motivated, and ready to give it a go. You’re going to start from tomorrow as Monday is always a great start date (right?)! 

On Monday morning you wake up excited but also a little bit scared. You’ve started realizing that there is A LOT to do. You’re not sure if you’re ready for this but you’re still willing to give it a go. Your first step might be to create a full to-do-list (including your day-to-day tasks). You end up with over 30 items, seeing that makes you sweat a little bit. You don’t know where to start so you decide to make yourself a coffee, check emails, quickly scroll through Facebook and Instagram… and then the phone rings, it’s your sister so obviously, you need to chat with her right now… oh, it’s 1 pm already so you better grab some lunch! Eventually, you end up feeling angry, frustrated and demotivated as you’ve done nothing (or very little) related to your big plan.  

There are many women (including myself) who could raise their hands right now to confirm that this scenario sounds VERY similar. The good news is, there are several things that you can do to increase your chances of being more productive and hitting your goals. 

Here are my top 5 techniques to become more productive and successful:


This is one of my favorite visualization tools to help you understand where you are going. By representing your goals with pictures and images you will strengthen and stimulate your emotions because your mind responds strongly to visual stimulation and that triggers the law of attraction. 

I encourage you to set a date (e.g. My May-Dec 2020 Plan) and be specific (e.g. an image of $$$ with a note how much you want to earn per month). The rest is up to your creativity!

Read original article here

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