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5 Ways To Become A More Effective Leader

Leadership is a skill, and like all skills, it takes practice to become truly great. Mastering these key five leadership skills will help you become a more effective leader.

Build your emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence plays a large role business success. It has an impact on leaders, employees, and organizations as a whole. But how does one go about building emotional intelligence?

It starts with a bit of introspection and a desire to grow and improve yourself as a leader. “Cultivating emotional intelligence starts with self-leadership and self-awareness,” says Mike Zeller, a business architect and mentor to high performers. Rudi Riekstins, a business mindset coach helping people get unstuck and aligned with their purpose agrees, adding that emotional intelligence starts at the top. “I realized that the responsibility fell on me to control my thoughts and my feelings and then obviously, how I behaved, because it effected more than just me,” he said.

“A leader’s emotions can have a big ripple effect throughout the entire organization,” explains Zeller. A leader who is open with their emotions in the workplace is much more likely to have a positive impact than a leader who is closed off or short tempered. The ripples created by leaders like this have rather negative consequences, leading to a toxic workplace where employees are burnt out and turnover is high. In contrast, leaders that create a positive and open space at work see teams that are happier, more engaged and more likely to stay with the company long term.

Lead with empathy.

Empathy is a powerful tool for leaders. Simply put, empathy is the ability to be able to understand and relate to the feelings of another person. It can help leaders build deeper connections with their teams and if it’s practiced company-wide, can lead to increased overall success. When you give people permission to actually feel and express how they feel, and then tap into that emotion, that’s a powerful tool.

Leaders also shouldn’t be afraid to show vulnerability. Vulnerability is a sign of strength, not of weakness. In fact, it can be a great way to make a deeper connection with your team. When you’re able to show your team that you can empathize with how they’re feeling, you strengthen that relationship exponentially. “When you open your heart space more, you open up your ability to go against your ego. You open yourself up to new possibilities, new opportunities, and new relationships,” says Theo Cummings, a business coach helping people scale their personal brands.

Embrace conflict.

Conflict doesn’t have to have a negative connotation. In fact, embracing conflict can actually lead to business breakthroughs and improvements. If there’s a conflict, there’s a reason for it, and if you’re able to truly uncover that reason as well as find a resolution, conflict becomes a powerful tool. “It’s really just people having different perspectives,” says Cummings, and Zeller adds that “conflict can be fuel for growth.”

The challenge is that conflict is inherently emotional, causing people to react strongly and become closed off and unwilling to listen. “When emotion takes over, people lose the ability to succinctly articulate what it is that they’re trying to say,” explains Riekstins.

A leader has the power to shift the nature of the discussion if they can stay emotionally in control. If you’re able to set aside emotion and just focus on having a logical and calm discussion, you’ll be able to resolve the conflict much quicker and with much less drama. Zeller has a great philosophy on this, “whoever guides the emotion guides the resolution.”

Get to know your team’s strengths and weaknesses.

All great leaders are aware of their team’s strengths and weaknesses and the best leaders work to ensure that employees’ work is aligned with their strengths. “We should all as leaders celebrate each individual person’s genius. In other words, what is their strength? What is their superpower at work? If you’re able to connect these strengths with the work that employees do, you’re not only going to create a connection with your people, but they’re also going to be working for something greater than themselves, “ says Riekstins.

Embrace change.

We’re living in very unpredictable times, and leaders who can’t embrace change will find themselves struggling to stay afloat. Leaders need to be ready and able to adapt at a moment’s notice. “The leaders that are going to win are the ones that thrive on adaptation and rapid change,” says Zeller. This type of leader is always ready to go when change and disruption happens, and they aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and work until they find a solution.

The key to becoming a more effective leader is to practice all of these things until they become second nature. Put in the effort and time it takes to hone these skills and you’ll reap the rewards for the rest of your career.

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