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Home Women Business News Remember You Are The Mofo Flow

Remember You Are The Mofo Flow

Here is what you need to understand about being that person who magnetically manages to call in, like moths to a flame, an endless stream of soulmate clients who want to buy from you on REPEAT, refer their friends, and are also super fun to mentor or coach because they’re badasses who do the WORK –

The energy side of things is non-negotiable, and also?

It’s on you.

We all know that when you’re ‘on’, things work. Money flows to you like manna from heaven. People who want to work with you are EVERYWHERE. Doors opening and opportunities abounding all over the place! Everything is just – YES.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m in this state I feel like I’m whirring and twirling through business and life and my day. I feel like the very pace of the world revolving picks up, and I’m just breathlessly running along with it, in this beautiful messy fast as fuck dance of fun and flow. It feels EXCITING, it feels CRAZY, it feels too MUCH, it feels PERFECT. And while there might be moments here and there where I almost feel like I need to lean over, hands on knees, just to catch my breath at how IN it I am,

there is no way in hell I would want to slow shit down.

Because this? This is not about hustle. It’s not about trying to do too much at once. It’s not about being overwhelmed, pushed, or working too hard. It’s about the fact that, whether it’s just for an hour or two or it’s days on end or if you’re lucky it’s a way of life, when you’re IN it?

You’re just IN it, and there’s nowhere else you’d rather be, nothing you’d want to change, in fact you almost feel compelled to turn up that speed dial even MORE!

Because what this is, is it’s being in sync with the beat of life itself. The beat of the life YOU are here to live. Not somebody else’s. Not the ‘acceptable’ way. Not the way that would result in others not judging or getting you. The way which more than likely WILL result in judgement, people close or far from you not getting you, people misunderstanding, labelling you as chaotic, disorganised, too busy, ‘I wouldn’t want to work that hard’, whatever.

The worst part? When you yourself say these things to yourself, instead of acknowledging and OWNING that this is who you ARE. This is a very real and NOT TO BE HEALED OR FIXED BECAUSE IT IS GOOD part of you, this part of you that LIKES the push, LIKES the whirling twirling madness of having multiple balls in the air and dancing between them, likes and WANTS the breathless vibe of running alongside life itself.

Look, we’re not talking 24/7! (Unless we are ;)). Typically, if you’re this kind of person and you’re also fully owning it, and you’re doing so in a healthy and aligned way, you are also an absolute goddess of rest, relaxation, pause, stillness, and so on. You know when to stop and COMPLETELY let go,

and you know when to decide to CREATE the mofo flow of being all in on

You understand that this is where, when you’re doing like this, life dials up the level of what it’s GIVING you, in response to you throwing yourself fully into the beat of IT. It’s pretty basic math – you get on sync with something, you drop into the rhythm of something, you’re in HARMONY with something, and, well –

you’re in harmony with it. You BOTH expand. New worlds are created. 2+2 = whatever you want it to, and in a very practical sense? You transcend the physical and what you’re able to do or achieve or be there.

Literally this means that instead of what you’re creating or allowing in to be dependant simply upon what you ‘do’, and whether you did enough, or the right stuff, or in the right order, and thus achieved some sort of result in return,

your outcomes, what you receive, what or who comes to you, how money works for you, how it ALL works for you, is reactive not to your ‘do’ but instead to who you are choosing to BE, and the frequency you’re playing life on. If part of ‘you being fully you’ requires you to be in a heightened energy state as you create, transmit, pull down from above, allow your OWN energy to shift and mold things …

and you choose not to do it because somewhere along the way you bought into the idea of chaos or disorder being BAD, instead of being what NEWNESS is created from …

you will live a life of things being hard

hand over fist

‘getting there’, but always at a cost

and feeling as though you only ever JUST managed to achieve the SMALLEST percentage of what you could or should, and how damn tiring it WAS.

Whereas, if you are the kind of human I suspect you may be, who was born to play beyond just the physical, and to create through her BEING, if you JUST let go and dialled up your speed, your energy, your focus, your commitment that little (or big!) bit MORE,

it would be EASIER, more fun, and with INFINITELY greater result! Because of the beat baby, the beat of life, YOUR true life, and you finally being on it.

So how does this work? What does it mean you’re meant to do?

In a nutshell, remember that you are the mofo flow, and act it. Remember that life responds to YOU, and act it. Quit conforming to a schedule, a regime, an order, a sequence, an acceptable way of doing business or coaching or money or life, or even the things you agreed with yourself you ‘should’ do’. And instead –

freefall into trusting that if you had no rules and no order and you were free to go fully into what YOU are led to each day that you would not only find your way but you’d RUN the damn thing.

Know also that this doesn’t mean not taking MASSIVE action! For us, the flow often arrives when we go ALL in on the DO. The do which comes from the BEING, the being all of you, but WAY dialled up. For me it means I’m taking action like a madwoman, SO much action. But it is ALIGNED action, the ‘all in’ behaviour I’d be saying yes to if I fully trusted, backed myself, and EXPECTED that of COURSE everybody can’t wait to pay me, I just need to give ’em ways to, and be IN it energetically, letting myself be PART of the energy of my selling or launching. For example. Or whatever it is I need to be IN. But definitely – no dilly dallying, questioning, wondering if I can or dare. Just DOING what I’m shown to do, as and when I’m shown to do it.

Where this doesn’t work for me? Is when I tell myself I ‘have to’ do things a certain way, or do my day a certain day, and then I spend the whole day reacting instead of CREATING. Maybe reacting to stuff that gets SOME kind of outcome! But the magic one that was there if only I’d let go and decide I make the flow?


Not that.

So what all this comes down to really is – do you dare? Do you dare to trust yourself to go COMPLETELY into what’s inside of you, and be in the creation of your day, your offer, your finances, your business, and indeed every other element of your life from that place?

Or – would you rather keep playing a story that you only get your cookies if you do as you’re told, in the way you were told to, and how it supposedly ‘makes sense’?

You can’t have it both ways.

Either you go get your life by pushing AGAINST the grain,

or you dictate the motherfucking grain.

But if you’re gonna do that? It means you need to stop bullshitting yourself about who you really are. RUN INTO THE FRAY BABY. That storm of creative beauty and wonder and everything that flows from and through and to it ain’t gonna create itself.

Don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x


🔥🔥 FIRED UP & FINANCIALLY READY TO EXPLODE is here! Eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk and a HALF! I have not been this, well, FIRED UP & READY TO EXPLODE in a LONG while.

You know when something just comes through you?

And it’s HOLY FREAKING FLOW YES and all the things?

And you FEEL the fire and the gold and the energy and the NOW?


this is that.


I’m so proud to invite you in to this brand new course with me! I will be teaching this in a LIVE Facebook group with twice weekly livestream trainings (+ more!) – something I have not done in a very long while.

When you say yes to soul-

life says yes to you.

Fired up and Financially Ready to Explode is the NEXT level wealth and mindset strategy for the already successful woman who is done playing small!

Here’s the thing –

There are very clear reasons why you never quite get to that FULL inhale-exhale state of money freedom, even as your income and lifestyle goes up.

You can bet your sweet ass we gonna talk about those reasons. Understand them. And learn how to roll with them. BECAUSE YOU GET TO BE ABLE TO BREATHE FULLY BEING YOU.

And OMG. So much more. And a LOT of it comes down to understanding that the MONEY WORKS FOR YOU WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND HOW TO ROLL WITH YOUR OWN CHANGING NEEDS.

And? That there are a million freakin’ ways to make money and there is ALWAYS money there that gets to come from flow. So for women like us … one of the biggest FOOLHARDY AF things we can do .. is try to make our business flow respond to things we think should work, things that did work, things that are working for others, etc!

What we need instead is simple:

A clear freaking understanding of where today’s money is at. This week’s. This months. The long-terms. And how to do it all in a way where true wealth growth becomes automated and inherent to who you are. Where you can breathe fully in your creative needs each day. AND, where it’s ALL fun and yes whilst making a crazy impact on those you want to help!

In short?


And that’s what we’re gonna do here:


– Next Level Wealth Mindset & Strategy for the Already Successful Woman Who is Done Playing Small –

We begin Thursday Feb 18th, US time.

30 days together.

Bi-weekly livestream trainings in our closed Facebook group. (Yes! I have not done this in absolutely AGES!)

Q&A sessions after each live training (times will vary to account for the multitude of timezones, all sessions recorded)

Daily conversation and asskickery and added learning in the Facebook group (I can’t wait!)

Journal prompts + homework to follow each training

Complete understanding of the different ways money should be coming in, covering over 30 different considerations for where money comes from and why it’s NOT coming in when it’s not!

Tailored to you pathway for understanding your blocks, setbacks, why you would NOT want what you say you want, and exactly where the biggest ‘bang for your buck’ moves are to be made in order to open up receiving.

Tailored to you pathway for understanding how to flow with the above based on your changing needs, energies, goals, and desires!

I’m teaching you exactly how I always know how to roll with my OWN ebbs and flows, and the exact way that I do that. This is why it’s tailored! I teach you how to design the process for YOU, and how to always know when things need adjusting or fine-tuning

Here is my all in all purpose and intent for you with this brand new course:

1) You understand how to get money to show up from you via automated and systematic ‘cash machine’ sources, in a way that is fully aligned and flow yes for you and your brand AND your peeps

2) You understand how to roll with the day to day living breathing moving changing multi-passionate VIBE of the thing, namely how to pluck down money from the great beyond like the supernatural badass you are DEPENDING ON WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT IT IS YOU NEED TO BE DIALED IN AND SWITCHED ON THAT DAY. Etc.

I can’t wait to spend these 30 days with you! We begin We begin Thursday Feb 18th, US time.

This? Is the fire and gold and holy freakin’ rainfall you’ve been waiting for. LET’S GO.


The pre-work is hands on and practical AF! 🔥 Join today and receive immediate access to a 1 hour+ previously private client only audio I recorded on the 11 Ways We Make More Money Consistently in my company. You can implement all of this now, it’s one of the most powerful trainings I ever recorded.


I’ve included a Join Today Bonus!

Every day up til our start date I will be emailing out a photo of my journaling from that day, and an insight into why / what I journaled, plus a prompt or three for you. This is a join today bonus on TOP of the pre-work! Fun!

Psssst there are other badass bonuses as well. But you’ll have to read the page to see 😉

Read original article here

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