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Home Women Business News How Do You Deal With Change? 3 Common Ways

How Do You Deal With Change? 3 Common Ways

People deal with change in different ways. Some people welcome it with open arms and optimism while others shy away from change, wanting nothing to do with it.

During my time coaching clients, consulting and speaking on stage, I keep seeing the three same reactions to change come up time and time again. These reactions are so prevalent that they even impact how I teach, train and consult about these things.

The three common ways that people deal with change can say a lot about them and how they make decisions in their everyday lives. But what people might not realize is that, with practice and will power, it is possible to shift from one of these reactions to another. You might even find that you often respond in one way, but you also resonate with another and that’s fine too.

I always say that self-awareness is the most powerful tool we have as achievers. When we’re self-aware, we can learn to pause before immediately reacting to something, understand the root cause of why we want to react that way and if necessary, change our reaction.

So, what are the three common ways that people deal with change, and why are they so important? Let’s find out!


1. Adopt


Let’s paint a picture…

You have a goal to lose weight. Then, you come across someone, perhaps it’s a celebrity on TV, an influencer on social media or a life coach, and they share how they lost weight. They show before and after pictures and your jaw almost hits the ground. You want the same results for yourself, so what do you do?

You ADOPT their weight-loss strategy.

If you’re an ‘adopter,’ you’ll likely say things like, “If it worked for them, it’ll work for me!” If this sounds like you, you’re probably wondering what’s wrong with reacting this way?

Well, it can be both positive and negative. It’s great that you were so inspired by someone else’s actions and results that you’re ready to go and achieve the same for yourself. However, you have to take a more critical approach because unfortunately, there’s rarely a ‘one size fits all’ solution to anything.

What works for someone else might not work in the same way for you. Although it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of it all, you really need to take time to think about what’s best for YOU.

When you’re too quick to adopt, you can easily end up adopting too many things from too many people. You’ve got the classic ‘shiny object syndrome’ and you want to do so many things that you end up disappointed because you can’t possibly replicate everyone’s results no matter how hard you try.

So, the next time you see something that you want to adopt, ask yourself, will this strategy, tactic or approach work for ME? If not, move along!

Read original article here

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