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Home Women Business News Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

The plane has landed. I guess I deserve it. I did, after all, write a blog post called ‘Born Skinny.’ My metabolism, the metabolism that had been overly kind to me for so many years officially retired a few years ago. I think due to overwork! I have since joined the rest of humanity- ass fallen, boobs headed south, beautiful cellulite, and finally the inability to eat whatever I want (that’s the worst part of all). Ahh, the wonderful world of aging. It was great while it lasted. Now I actually have to do something called, **gasp** … WORK.

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

So, seeing that spring is soon upon us (yes, I’m calling it soon), I wanted to share the Top 11 Superfoods to keep our skin glowing through the still winter into spring months. Many of these super foods have helped keep me in good health too. Today, we’re caring for our skin AND ourselves. So, let’s get GLOWING, shall we? We’re gonna glow from the inside out this spring season, even amidst a pandemic!

Let’s cut right to the chase, shall we?! Top 11 Superfoods to incorporate into your 2021 diet for glowing skin:

1. Salmon. Instead of meat or chicken, try Salmon as a lunch or dinner option.  Salmon is high in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and very high in vitamin D. Just so you know HOW important these Omega 3’s are– they help prevent strokes, blood clots and recent studies also show that Omega 3’s have the potential to slow down Alzheimer’s, as well as fight low moods. Salmon is known to keep your skin moisturized as well as contains selenium that protects your skin from the sun.

2. Berries. Who doesn’t like berries? Ripe blueberries are high in vitamin C, and have tons of anti-oxidants, which benefit your circulatory system. Strawberries are full of potassium and are also great for your heart. But listen up… strawberries are ALSO rich in vitamin C which is essential in the production of collagen (responsible for keeping your skin firm).

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

3. Walnuts. Walnuts have more antioxidants than almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and many other members of the nut family. Walnuts are the new “supernuts.” Walnuts do everything from promote cardiovascular health to prevent weight gain. Studies have even concluded that if eaten before bedtime, walnuts can help you get a better night’s sleep, thanks to the hormone melatonin. Walnuts also have a reputation for making your skin smoother and hair healthier!

4. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Studies are also showing that Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is the best oil you could use for health benefits, and to keep you fit. Another great health benefit to coconut oil is that it’s been known to stimulate your metabolism. It’s also been known to increase immunity, and help decrease heart disease and high blood pressure. I’ve already made the switch.  Coconut oil is also ideal for skin care and has anti aging benefits.

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

5. Tomatoes. Tomatoes are one of the best sources of lycopene – an anti-aging antioxidant. And listen to this shocker… lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by your body when the tomatoes are COOKED, and not raw off the vine! I love me those little sweet cherry ones. 😉

6. Greek yogurt.  Because Greek yogurt is strained, it becomes much richer in texture than unstrained yogurt. The straining also removes the whey, which makes Greek yogurt higher in protein and lower in sugar and carbohydrates than regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is also known for its positive effects on your immune system and your COMPLEXION! You can slap it on your face too!

7. Kiwi.  This is the fruit I always forget to buy, but love just the same. Kiwis are loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which in turn keep your skin skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis are also specifically known to protect you from heart disease and cancer. Kiwi it up!

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

8. Sweet potato.  Who doesn’t love sweet potato fries? Feel free to roast them up because sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which is an antioxidant that fights aging. Hello SWEET skin!

9. Black Garlic.  Black garlic is a type of fermented garlic that originated in Asian cultures. To make black garlic, whole bulbs of garlic are fermented at high temperatures, resulting in black cloves that taste both sweet and savoury. The pungent smell is subdued in the fermenting process, so while the taste is still there, the bad breath that typically accompanies garlic is not. Black garlic has double the number of disease-fighting antioxidants as raw garlic. You ready for this? “Garlic topical can promote skin blood circulation, remove the stratum corneum of the skin aging, soften the skin and enhance its flexibility, but also anti-sun, anti-melanin deposition the deranging whitening.” – ( This one is on my agenda.

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

10. Dark chocolate. Oh yeah, baby! You’re reading correctly. Dark chocolate is known to help your skin stay hydrated, and believe it or not, dark chocolate with a cacao content of 60 percent or more is known to help keep your skin protected from sun damage.

11. Adzuki Beans. Adzuki beans are small red beans, often called the “weight loss bean”  because they are very low in fat, and exceptionally high in protein. They are packed with tons of vitamins and minerals. They have also been known as a good food to fight breast cancer. Adzuki bean powder has been used in Japanese skin care regimens for centuries to cleanse and exfoliate the skin and to rejuvenate and brighten the complexion.

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

So, if you’ve been eating all the wrong things lately, or insist that you don’t have the time to eat healthy or care for your skin, there are no more excuses. Your health should be one of your top priorities. Be good to your body, and it will be good to you. We’re all in this together. Let’s do this.

I’d love to know if you have tried, or eat any of these superfoods regularly. Please feel free to add your tips and tricks on foods that are currently keeping YOU healthy and GLOWING.

Top 11 Superfoods for Glowing Skin
(Resources:  JanaeWilliams,, Womens Health Mag,,,, Health, CNN,, The Nutrition Post,,

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