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Home Women Business News Profitable Biz Tip:The hidden cost of not charging enough!

Profitable Biz Tip:The hidden cost of not charging enough!

Hey! I have a profitable business tip! Listen, if it takes you a long time to attract and close paying clients meaning it can take weeks or months, the last thing you want to do is charge couple hundred dollars or less for your services. Why? Because you have to factor in all the time that it actually takes to even attract a client and then all the time you spend thinking about a client there’s a cost to that that you don’t see. So, the last thing you want to do is spend weeks or months to be able to attract a client and then when you do they’re only five hundred dollar client. I mean, that pays like what one house bill and then you need to be on the hunt for another one so if you if it takes you a while to get a client hopefully it doesn’t take much hopefully it you know takes you know less than a couple of days but if it takes you weeks to get even one client then you better be charging thousands of dollars so it’s worth it when you finally do get a client for all the time it took you to even attract a client. (I know that’s a run on sentence but this is a transcripton of my video). Right, some of you are charging a couple hundred and a couple hundred dollars and then when you do get a client you know you only have enough to pay a bill and then you have to go find another client so you better be charging thousands of dollars so that when you do attract a client it’s enough to take care of you for a while to get you next one.

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