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Home Women Business News Monkeys and Manifestation in Bali (+ my ninja moves)

Monkeys and Manifestation in Bali (+ my ninja moves)

(My dear wallet – after the battle)

Peter and Carmen high five each other and marvel at the miracle at what just happened.
This was against all odds. Once a monkey grabs something in its own habitat (in this case, open-air villas in the jungle on the side of a cliff), it’s GONE. Especially when they have a monkey side-kick to help them.

So, what happened here?

Because so many “odd” things were happening to us, I really wanted to learn the lesson in each of the things that were happening to, for, and with us. When a lot of unexpected things occur, I find the best response is to flow with it, and see what learnings and value can be found.

My Takeaways:


Always, always listen to your intuition, including little sounds, thoughts or feelings that are out of place.

I’ve trained myself lately because of a few experiences (more on this soon) to really notice anything that is a bit out of place. That tiny noise of the monkeys reaching into my bag — if I had ignored it (because it was so slight), probably everything would have been taken from the bag and disappeared into the jungle forever. NOT another thing I wanted to add to the catastrophe list in January.


  1. Belief
  2. High Emotion / Desire
  3. Action

Something kicked in during the chase – I KNEW I was going to get my wallet back. Maybe I didn’t want to accept that one more “bad” thing could happen (enough is enough!), but it was more than that. I just KNEW — without a shred of doubt.

There was high emotion because I had so much adrenaline racing through me and pure DESIRE to get my wallet back… and then I just got into action. No second-guessing or overthinking, just action and going with the flow as it unfolded, figuring out everything along the way.

Figuring out everything along the way…(ring a bell for our businesses, too?).


Having Peter there, in the flow of the monkey circus, was what made it possible. It wasn’t all me making it happen (I tend to be more of a lone wolf in business). Instead, asking for help (yelling, actually), collaborating and solving a problem together, in flow, was what made the almost-impossible, possible.

I’m now applying the same principles to our luggage and Peter to Sacred Lotus Love (bigger issues than clothes, I know 🙂

Send us good energy and I’ll keep you posted!

Over to You
  • In your business and life, where could you use these 3 take-aways?
  • Where can you use your intuition more — really paying attention to the little signs? 
  • How could you use the Manifestation Principles 101 of Belief, Desire and Action in 2020? 
  • How can you collaborate more and/or ask for help so that it’s not always you doing, or feeling like you need to do it all?

Share your comments here – the best insights happen in the comments when we share our questions, ideas and strategies. I personally read every single comment and always respond – I love to hear.

Lots of love,

Carmen xo


PS: Think someone would benefit from this blog? Sharable icons on the left 🙂

Guess what’s around the corner? B-School! If you’re interested in getting on the list to be the first to hear about the B-School bonuses I’m offering this year – click here and hop on now!

Read original article here

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