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Home Women Business News Top 9 FREE Self-Care Practices for New Female Entrepreneurs in 2020

Top 9 FREE Self-Care Practices for New Female Entrepreneurs in 2020

Kendra Claudette, Yoga Instructor, poses in front of a tree in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Here’s the deal. 

As an entrepreneur, for both you and your business to operate at optimal levels, YOU need to take care of YOU. 

I don’t know about y’all but I’m on a budget so, I’m here today to give you the top 9 FREE self-care practices that I’ve found work best for calming my nerves and restoring my peace, while I navigate running an online business. 

Self-care is the key to living a balanced life and if you employ at least 3 of the tips below, then you’re well on your way to a healthier, happier, more enjoyable place.

The top 9 tips are as follows in no particular order:

Tip 1: Rest, Rest, Rest

Ok actually, this is the most important practice on this list.  Sleep lays the groundwork for a productive day and it is vital to perform at your optimal level.  Adults usually need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night to be 100% rested for the next day. I understand there are many reasons to not get enough sleep.  

Trust me.  

I used to be the queen of, “No worries, I’ll just pull an all-nighter to get this project done or to hang out with this person or to do this thing.” Not anymore.  

When I started to realize how terrible I felt not only the next day but the next several days and how my work suffered, I quickly changed my tune.  

I love to sleep and when I realized how important it is I try my hardest to stick to a schedule especially since I have a better grasp of what my day will look be.  Since I returned from my travels I’ve been sleeping around 7.5 hours per night and I haven’t felt better! I make a point to turn off my phone and keep it off until I’m ready to wake up and look at it.  (My goal is to eventually put my phone in another room while I sleep but I haven’t gotten there just yet.) 

Since I’ve had a more stable sleeping environment I’ve been able to produce more content for my site, improve my service offerings and market my business.  Ladies, sleep is your friend. Do your best to get as much as you can. Your day(s) depends on it.

Tip: 2 Give Yourself an Hour a Day

Do whatever serves you for one hour a day.  Whether it’s exercising, meditating, taking a long bath, giving yourself a facial, painting your nails, just do it. I know you don’t have the time but make the time for yourself.  

This time will allow you to refresh, rejuvenate and repair.

Take a look at your schedule and actually plan whatever it is that you want to do to create space with yourself for the day.  If you’re looking to start or expand on a current hobby, allow yourself the time and schedule it so that you actually get it done.  You will thank yourself for this later.

Tip 3: Eat & Drink Well

You definitely are what you eat & drink! It’s important that you give yourself good food and liquids so that your body is running at its optimal level. I used to eat out, a lot, and when I did make food at home it was all unhealthy.  A direct result of this was unhealthy weight gain and feelings of inadequacy even though I was performing well in school and had a well-paying job. I was putting foods into my body that was causing me to feel low and they weren’t helping at all.  

As soon as I started to eat better my mindset changed to more positive and I began to feel more energized and refreshed.  

Since I’ve been back to the states, it’s been much easier to make foods at home and to eat and drink healthier.  Because I’ve had time to devote to cooking good foods my gut is clean, which I feel has a direct correlation to your mindset. 

Bottom Line?

Pay attention to what you’re putting in your body.  It’s a temple. Respect it.

Tip 4: Enjoy Sunshine (with SPF)

I love going outside and feeling the sun on my (SPF lathered) skin. The sun is a true energy source and it’s one of the best.  

But there’s a catch.

Those rays are serious, so make sure to protect your skin and to limit your time in the sun.

Otherwise, the sun helps to lift your mood.  Since I’ve been building my online business, I’ve found that it is super easy to stay inside on the computer ALL day.  And let me tell you, I’ve done it and it wasn’t good for my health. The days that I went outside and enjoyed the sunlight I was able to go back and get 2x as much work done compared to staying in the house grinding all day.  This was also true when I worked in a basement in NYC. I found I felt better and was more productive after having walked outside in the sunlight for a few minutes than staying the basement.  

You will have to get up and go outside. You will have to leave your desk for a few minutes. But the reward is far greater than staying tethered to your computer.

The best part?

Sunlight is good on those days that I have acne!!! Amen.  Studies show sunlight is good for certain skin conditions…not all, but for me, it does a decent job clearing up a few hard to get blemishes.  

Tip 5: Read Some Books

I’ve been reading books in my spare time. I’m currently reading “The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F***” by Mark Manson.  I’m finding it rather interesting and I’ll discuss my thoughts in detail in another post.  

Through books, I able to visit places I’ve never been and experience different cultures, all within the space of my own home.  Books help me to better understand the world around me and to better deal with situations as they occur.  

The next book I will read is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama.  I’ll find a book club to join so that I can share my book journey with you all and what I learn along the way.  More to come!!!

Tip 6: Shift Your Inner Dialogue to Positive & Affirming

Start speaking to yourself in a positive manner.  In doing so you will shift your mindset and have a more positive outlook on life.  

I’m still mastering this tip.  It’s been a long hard journey, but I’m in it for the long haul and I’m aware the goal is well worth the hard work put in.  

I’ve found that if my inner voice is more encouraging, understanding and empathic then I am able to bring that same energy into any space I encounter that day.  

Because of this, I am more selective about the things I tell myself about myself. I know it may seem like a little thing but it adds up and you want more positives than negatives, right?

Tip 7: Stay Active

This is a fun self-care practice.  When I lived in Hawaii, sometimes I taught yoga a few times a day and during that time in my life that was the main way I stayed active.  When I was working full-time in social media I only had time to teach yoga twice a week so I hiked on the weekends to go outside and do more exercise with friends.  It was a good time and I’m thankful I joined a Facebook Group for women hikers in Hawaii and I was able to meet like-minded women looking for adventures.

There are so many ways to make staying active a fun practice that I enjoy mixing it up every few days.  Recently, I’ve been going on long walks with my mom and this is a nice way to get me back into a routine since I’ve returned from my travels.  While I build my business, I’ve been working out at home to save money and reduce expenses. I’ll have a post coming with the exercises I do at home, so stay tuned!

Tip 8: Say NO to others, YES to yourself

Big Mood. 

Deliberately speak to yourself more and ask yourself exactly what it is you need to be happy–and then act on it.  

I bend over backward to help others when I should say NO thank you, I’m actually a little busy working on other projects at the moment.  I’ve found that it doesn’t benefit me in the long run if I over-extend myself for someone else’s gain.  

Now hear me out, don’t get me wrong.  Do be useful, DON’T be used.

Avoid sacrificing yourself and your goals.  Stay on your mission and stay true to what you seek.  If you have dreams of starting your business, then get started and remained focused on your goal.  It will be more attainable if you say no to more interruptions, disturbances, and unnecessary situations, and naysayers. 

This is called protecting your energy space.

In my short time on this earth, I’ve realized that saying NO to toxic relationships and toxic people have been the best things that could have happened to me.  I learned invaluable lessons and I’m able to use the experiences for my benefit going forward.  

By ultimately removing yourself from the unhealthy situation you will become liberated yourself and therefore allow for new opportunities.  

Your time is precious Queen, use it wisely and give yourself what you need to thrive.

Tip 9: Join a Supportive Community

How can you actually use this for self-care? 

Let me explain.

It’s in your best interest to keep people around you who inspire you to learn, grow and thrive. Who you surround yourself with, directly affects your mental state so it’s important for you to find a community that uplifts you.  

You want to feel a vibe with a supportive community and nowadays we have so many options that it can be either online or in-person–just decide which works best for you.  I’ve been a part of all types of communities and the ones I feel uplift and help others to explore the world resonate most with me and I seek those communities out when I visit different cities.  

For example:

When I was living in Sydney I joined a yoga studio and became part of that community while I was there.  It made me feel more normal because I was doing and experiencing something natural to me even though I was in a whole different part of the world.  It helped to soothe and calm me to know that this community existed and that I could go back to something more normal and that really helped me emotionally and mentally while living there.  

I also joined communities on Facebook and it was amazing to see people who looked like me and were from similar places in the US but we were able to connect via Facebook and attempt to meet up (Sadly, it got cold in Sydney and I left for the States before I had time to attend any of the meetups. I’ll definitely attend them when I make it back.  It looked like they were having a good time!) 

I was in Sydney on a work/holiday visa earlier this year so I would have used the meetups as a way to network and find out if people knew of potential opportunities so that I could work in a Sydney-based digital media position.  I’ll write a post about the experience! It’ll be coming in the next few weeks. Just know, it was a trip of a lifetime!

***Bonus Tip 10: Take a Solo Trip

If you’ve got a few coins and you can afford it then go on a solo trip! Whether it’s a drive to a nearby town or a train to a new city, or even a plane to a different continent, just get out there and do your thing.  It could be a nice opportunity to get out of your normal routine and into something a little different. You can plan it as much or as little as you like. I mean, it’s your trip so just make it fun and do the things that will make you happy.  Even if that’s sleep! 

Bottom Line?

It’s no joke. The hustle is real.  When it comes to putting in work entrepreneurs are putting in triple overtime.  So what, I’m saying is: Enjoy the time you spend with yourself and cherish those moments you give yourself.  They will allow you to reframe your mindset and change your perspective for the better.  

Reclaim your power Queen. 

Read original article here

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