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Home Women Business News Want your first client? Swipe these emails! — 90 Day Business Launch

Want your first client? Swipe these emails! — 90 Day Business Launch

Holy biz-building, Batman! It’s time to launch your business! Time to pull yourself up by your entrepreneur bootstraps, saddle up to your computer, and write your launch emails. You and your brand new business are out here, baby, and the world’s gotta know!

Crafting your launch emails might feel intimidating at first, but remember — this is what you’ve been waiting for! It’s finally time to tell your friends, family, and personal/professional network that you’re open for business and you have offers they’ll want — nay, need! — to get their hands on. In fact, 99% of my clients got their first clients from reaching out to their network with emails just like this!

After all of the experience I have launching my own business and offers plus helping hundreds of women launch their own, I know there are three different emails you’ll want to craft to make sure you can accommodate all of the individuals you’re talking to.

You can follow my guidelines below or simply swipe these 3 emails to officially launch your business!

First, in all three emails you’ll want to explain: 1. ) that your metaphorical or literal doors are open 2.) what you can do for them a.k.a your elevator pitch, and 3.) where they can find you/how they can work with you.

It is also so worth it to send individual emails rather than :bcc a big list. This makes the email much more valuable to the reader and is more likely to yield a personalized response. It also ensures more eyes actually land on your message and encourages more engagement!

Lastly, be bold. Make your value known. Remember: Your business and offers solve a problem(s) for your clients. If you don’t let them know you’re here, they may look somewhere else for the help they need or never fix it! Do them (and yourself!) this favor.  

Imagine yourself getting a launch email from someone you know and love about their shiny new business that they poured their heart and soul into. Wouldn’t you want to help them out? You wouldn’t be bothered — you’d be proud! —because you’re awesome like that.

Armed with all of this knowledge and power: write or swipe away!

Email #1: Directly for potential clients (a.k.a people you know might want or could use your service.)

Not only is this email to let them know you’re up and running, but it’s also to let them know you thought of them first. Point out the conversation you guys had that circulated around your offers or what made them come to mind! It could look like this:

Hi so and so!

[insert something personal and relevant here]

I’m writing to let you know I’ve officially launched my business [insert biz name & website link] and I’m so excited to tell you about it! I thought of you immediately thanks to [insert what made you think of them i.e. a conversation, FB post, etc.] and wanted to make sure I gave you first dibs.

The business itself helps [insert elevator pitch info here!], and you can get all the details about my offer right here [link to your Work With Me page]. If you sign up before [7 days from now] I’d be happy to give you an X% discount on top of the pricing you see there.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Happy to jump on a call with you or answer anything you have for me via email – whatever you prefer. You can reach me at [insert phone number], too.

Hope to hear back from you soon!


[Your name]

Email #2: Asking for an introduction

Send this email out to the folks you know who know somebody. This might mean they’re friendly with other people in the industry you’re looking to work with, or they specifically said something like “My niece could use that!” when you told them about your business idea. As in the first email, it’s worth it to offer this person a referral discount on your services, too!

Hi so and so!

[insert something personal and relevant here]

I’m writing to let you know I’ve officially launched my business [insert biz name and website link], which [insert elevator pitch info here] .

I’ve been thinking of you and your relationship with [insert the person/industry you want to be connected to], so I wanted to pass this on right away. I’d love an introduction since I know that I can help them with [insert their problem here].

If you are open to connecting us, I would so appreciate it! Additionally, I’d be more than happy to offer them my service(s) [insert your offer name and a link to your Work With Me page] at a discounted referral rate.

Feel free to pass along my information here [insert website & contact info], let me know his/her email address so I can reach out directly, or send an introductory email to us both. Whatever is easiest for you works for me!

In the meantime, if there are ways I can support you in your personal or professional endeavors, just let me know! I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can.

Thank you for your time and support!


[Your name]

Email #3: Spread the word to those who know and love you!

This last email is your catch-all. Maybe not every person in your life is your ideal potential client or knows someone who would be (that you know about!), but that doesn’t mean you should leave them out! The more people that know about you and your business the better. Let this email promote the heck out of you, and remember – the people who love you will be psyched regardless!

Hi so and so!

I hope this email finds you well! I’m writing because I have officially launched my business [insert your business name and website link], and I’m so excited to tell you about it. It has been a long time coming and your friendship and support in this journey has meant a great deal to me. Now that I’m up and running, I wanted to spread the good news far and wide.

The business itself helps insert elevator pitch info here!], and you can get all the details about how I work with my clients right here [a link to your Work With Me page].

I don’t know if this is something you’re looking for right now or would need in the future, but it would be amazing if you’d pass this along directly to anyone who you know might need it, and/or if you’re open to posting about it on social media within the week! To make it easy, I’ve included some lingo below for you to copy and paste:

“Attention [your desired audience]! My friend [your name] just launched her business, and if you’re looking for [insert your elevator pitch here], she’s your gal! Check out her new site at [website url] and tell her I sent you with my highest recommendation.”

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! In the meantime, please let me know how I can support you and your personal or professional endeavors too. Happy to do whatever I can for you.”

Thanks so much for your help! I really appreciate it.


[Your name]

Obviously, tweak all of the above to your tone and taste, but keep the bones where you can! Also, just one last extra super-duper careful reminder to always include a call to action (and a deadline won’t hurt)! If you’re ready with your freebie opt-in, tack that on there, too!

The support, love, and clients (!) that come in will only be further validation that this was the right choice: pursuing your dream business and following your heart is always the answer. Time to reap those benefits.

Daydreaming about writing your launch emails but not sure where to start with the whole *launch* piece? First: Congratulations! You’re already closer to launching than you were before reading this article. Second: I’ve got you. 90 Day Business Launch will help you flesh out the details floating in your head and get your business up and running in just 3 months. Guess what happens at the end? You get to write your own launch emails and I get to cheer like I’m at a Lizzo concert. Lizzo is LIFE, y’all – and so is your future dream business.

Read original article here

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