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Home Women Business News How I got over my fear of podcasting + why I did...

How I got over my fear of podcasting + why I did it — Kate Crocco

Hi friends,

I can’t believe we are approaching season THREE of the Think Like a Boss Podcast! To think that this was a dream AND a fear of mine this time last year is just CRAY. Something that has helped me big time with ANY type of launch is telling myself that I am “just going to give it a try—just because I am EXCITED about launching this today, does not mean I may feel the same way in six months. But ONLY time will tell.” Doesn’t that take the pressure off? So many people would ask me how long I could foresee the podcast going and I simply said “time will tell”! It’s a lot easier when you don’t put the pressure on yourself that it HAS to go on for a year or two years or so on.

And guess what? I’m EVEN more excited about it almost a year later. It has been so life-giving and literally a breath of fresh air being able to hop on a Zoom call to chat with biz besties and acquaintances about their story. It’s truly an HONOR that these women have felt comfortable opening up about some heavy stuff at times. And guess what? If you haven’t listened, these women may have walked through some heavy stuff, but have come out even stronger than before. This is why sharing your story is so important and why i encourage YOU to do so my dear!

Alright friends, now it’s time to go back and dive into the many reasons why I decided to launch this podcast in the first place!! I shared this around launch last year and thought it would be fun to rehash again!.

1. Over the past several years I’ve witnessed thousands of women confronting the top lies that have held them back in business. And although each of us are so different, all of these lies are similar. I wanted to create a space for women to come, share their story of triumph, and no longer feel alone on this journey.

2. I’ve noticed that the more vulnerable I’ve been and the more of my own story I’ve shared, women have said “you sharing this, gave me the strength to begin working on the same exact thing.” That’s what this podcast is ALL about—giving women the permission to be ok with the messy. Personally, I’ve been drawn to podcasts where women have shared the real, raw, and ugly. I’ve found my own healing knowing that I am not alone and let alone crazy for experiencing these limiting beliefs.

3. I have some pretty awesome friends and feel abundantly blessed for these connections. Selfishly, I’ve been craving more time with my business besties and this gives me the excuse to call them up and spend some extra time with them! This is a way for us to cultivate our friendship even more by me asking them some hard questions that we may not have ever gone to or have overlooked during our friendship, which strengthens our bonds that much more.

4. In my process of writing a book, I realized this could be a great companion to the methods and steps I give for overcoming these lies. So ……READ the book for the actionable steps from Kate’s perspective and LISTEN to the podcast to hear perspective from dozens of women who have overcome or are still overcoming. 

5. I was ready to try something out of my comfort zone! I shared with you all about how over the years I’ve had to work on my fears of public speaking. I’ve gotten down running groups, filming videos, doing livestreams, hosting workshops, guest expert speaking, etc. But the thought of a podcast?

BARF. Would be a ton of fun IF I WEREN’T SO SCARED.

And you know what I would tell a client? This means you need to do it if it’s something that EXCITES you, yet makes you a little anxious. THIS = an opportunity for GROWTH.

And guess what?! In July I said BYE BYE Felicia to the fear of recording eps. I realized how simple recording an episode could be and how it literally was SIMPLY a conversation. Do I ever still get nervous even though I’ve kicked this fear? Sometimes!! This usually happens when somehow has said something SO powerful that I’m speechless and I literally have nothing to say after HA

BONUS reason for starting the podcast! My intention for this podcast was to deliver DEEP + POWERFUL messages with actionable steps in 45 minutes or less. You’ll see that some are as short as 17 minutes and others as long as 45. I know you ain’t got time for an hour+ episode!! Personally I listen to podcasts that are on the shorter end because I feel good knowing I’ll finish them and when they’re longer I don’t always go back to finish. So for those of you who haven’t listened yet, know this podcast is structured with a time limit for you busy bees! 

Love you lady and hope you come on over to subscribe! It would mean the WORLD TO ME. And if you do, please screenshot and share with me so that I can give you a shout out!

XO Kate

Read original article here

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