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How To Overcome Your Fears And Show Up For Your Clients Every Day

By: Gabi Garrett

You’re all smoke and mirrors.

I actually have no clue what I purchased from you.

I have no clue what I actually got from you.

I don’t know what you even do.

Four statements I heard on repeat like a broken CD for weeks at a time while closing my media business.

Here’s the question I know you’re wondering before you read even further:

Does this woman fail at her job, or what?

The funny thing is, I don’t.

I have won awards for my words. Never missed a deadline, and always show up; despite no babysitter here when I work from home, I always sit at my desk and complete my tasks.

So, why would these clients feel so unfaithful and harsh about my work?

The truth is, I lost faith in myself and began to get fuzzy on the details, and that led to a rough mirroring of my feelings by not one, but almost twenty clients.

If you are getting negative feedback from your clients, social media presence, or anywhere else you may be “trying” to share your gifts, I have one question for you:

Are you truly owning your worth, and your work? Do you believe you’re gifted?

If not, it’s going to continuously get reflected by every person you work with, even if you switch niches, move to another country, and change jobs. You must believe YOU are the person to help said client, company, or person, or else they can’t believe you will move the needle for them, because you clearly do not.

Here are four ways you can begin to own your work every day so you can truly show up for your clients, because we both know there’s nothing more you want to do.

[Related: Could Your Greatest Strength Also Be Your Greatest Weakness?]

1) Create extremely clear deliverables.reate a package that has things that you not only want to do, but know you can do easily. If you sell beyond your means, your impostor syndrome will flare up with good reason, because you aren’t executing what you naturally excel at.

2) Send email recaps after meetings, no matter how small.Without records of what you and your clients discuss, you both move onto your busy work days and leave the details in no-man’s land. Send exactly what the two of you discussed via email after each meeting, then hit the “snooze” feature in your mailbox for three days later to confirm you completed the tasks assigned to you, and check in with the others who also had responsibility.

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3) Send invoices for things outside the scope of your work.Whether you chose to charge for bonus activities or not, these invoices will show the value you are providing and keep a record for your clients on the services you’ve executed.

4) Take actions that show you how good you’ve become.Speak at a local women’s meeting or write for a new outlet. What you’ve learned may seem commonplace to you, but as soon as you take your skills for a spin in an outlet outside of your day-to-day, your progress will be reflected back to you, increasing your confidence for your daily work.

May you shine your light and get that talented light reflected right back at you. You deserve it, and this is your time.

[Related: Six Steps to Create a Story Your Audience Will Really Connect With]

Gabi Garrett is an award-winning journalist who has been published over 500 times. Her piece on Business Clarity was ranked Top 5 of 2020 by Entrepreneur and read 400,000 times in the first week it was published. Her articles have covered some of the biggest names in the business, from executives at Google, to Million Dollar Listing’s Ryan Serhant. After closing a successful media business, she was hired by a messaging agency, Bright Lights, to be their Creative Director. She is passionate about women in power and development of leadership in entrepreneurs, and she speaks on organization, confidence, and messaging around the world. Contact her about your messaging campaign.

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