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9 Ways to Build Resilience and Grit

You might be skilled, talented, educated, and brilliant. But, if you’re not resilient, persistent, and gritty, you’ll never make the most of those other attributes. 

What does being resilient mean, anyway?

According to to be resilient is to bounce back from life transformation, this can be a job loss, death of a loved one, separation from a partner, and a slew of others; bouncing back from whatever brings you stress.

Think about the five most successful people you know. On average, they’re probably not that talented. However, they know how to get things done and persist. You don’t have to be “perfect” to be resilient. You have to know there is better for you and to keep striving for it.

Are you Resilient? 

Are you Gritty? 

Try these techniques to increase your resilience and grit:

Stay in contact with others. When times are tough, it’s natural to crawl into a hole and isolate. I warn you to NOT do this. You’re more capable with a support system. It was my support team that helped me through my two divorces. Give up the idea that strong people take on the world by themselves. (I am so tired of that mantra, especially for women). You’re stronger when you have help and support. Maintain your relationships.

Have high hopes. There goes hope again. I have spoken about this before. It’s easier to stand strong when you expect things to improve. Consider every unpleasant situation in your life. Haven’t things gotten better every single time? When you know better times are ahead, grit and resilience are easier to demonstrate. Focus on a positive outcome. Yes, I know it is cliché, but it is the truth.

Know that the most successful people are those with the most resilience. It might be easy to be wealthy and successful, but becoming wealthy and successful is anything but. The most successful people will take on challenges that the average person would avoid like the plague. Again, I say to embrace your unicornary at all costs.

Take excellent care of yourself. No matter what is going on in your life, you still need food, rest, love, exercise, and fun. Take good care of yourself and you’ll be in a better position to weather challenges. Be the first person on your list of love before you add anyone else. Most people ignore their needs during tough times, and this is not using wisdom. Don’t be most people. Love yourself hard NOW!

Be active, not passive. It’s easier to last when you’re making progress. Rather than passively waiting for things to get better, take steps to improve the situation. If there is something constructive you can do, do it. 

Give yourself mental breaks. No matter how resilient you may be, take regular breaks to recharge your batteries. What is your favorite way to take a mental break? I suggest mindfulness breaks. Go outside and walk around. Breathe in the fresh. You could watch a movie, read a book, or play a game with a friend. Do whatever works for you.

Remind yourself of all the adversity you’ve overcome since childhood. I did this when I was sick with a DVT and PE. I reminded myself of all the things I had accomplished. No one’s life is smooth sailing 100% of the time. You’ve already overcome many obstacles. Remind yourself of your past successes during challenging times. You’ll have the fortitude and motivation to continue. You deserve to brag on yourself.

Live a life that revolves around your interests. If you have a job you hate, it’s hard to have a lot of grit and resilience. It’s much easier to have perseverance while doing something you love. Find a career and hobbies that you love. The need for grit is much lower!

Hang around with resilient people. You become more like the people you spend the most time with. I teach this all the time and it is one of my mantras. Choose your friends wisely. You’ll become a stronger person if you hang out with strong people. Find people you want to be more like. Relationships will take you two places up or down. You decide.

Most people spend their time trying to improve their skills. It might be more productive to learn how to apply your skills while improving them, regardless of the situation. Build resilience and grit into your life and enjoy greater success. 

You got this. 

I am rooting for you.


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