Thursday, May 2, 2024
Home Women Business News IT'S NEVER EITHER / OR


I don’t write every day in order to produce blogs, or social media content, or sales emails, or really, anything at all.

I don’t pour my heart out on the internet because I think it’s required for business, or to be helpful, or to make money.

I don’t rain forth a vomit spew of fire and gold and soul downloads all over you each day because I think that you need it or that I should.

I do it because I can’t not.

Because it’s a thing in me which wants to come out.

And because I’ve experimented enough, over the years, with what happens and how I feel when I don’t just get out of the way,

move aside,

and let it out, any which way it pleases.

The fact that this daily RELEASE has formulated the basis of a very successful online business,

several hundred products and courses,

paying customers in 114 countries at last count,

hundreds of thousands of people who still read or watch or participate in SOME form with said word vomit,

and the attainment in all ways of the life I used to sit and dream about in a journal a hundred or so iterations before today’s one,

is kind of by the by.

Do you get it yet?

The rule for those who are called to share what’s in them, those like you and like me, is:

Share what’s in you.

Share it no matter what.

Share it DAILY, or very close to, in some way or shape or form.

Just let it out!

Oh, and let it out how IT wants to come out.

As to where and for whom and when exactly and how and why, meh –

it really doesn’t matter.

You’ll find your way with that over time. Let the work REVEAL it to you.

And as for the fear of never doing anything ‘real’ … of your work not being tangible enough … of needing structure, order, systemisation, STRATEGY, to succeed,


I guess that depends on what ‘succeed’ means to you,

and on how boldly you’re willing to believe you get to do ALL THINGS YOUR WAY.

That’s not to say that messengers and artists and the self-proclaimed ‘crazy ones’, who can’t stop won’t stop and MUST put what’s in them first, can’t build structure.



And more.


And, more importantly, whatever you decide.

But what if the art and the randomness also unveiled to you the structure and the core? What if the all over the place bits BECAME a strategy and a foundation? Or, if that’s too complicated to concern yourself with, what if you just COMMITTED to the more ‘real’ bits you want, whatever they happen to be. What if you just DECIDED –

I will have THIS legacy piece and THIS powerful pillar and THAT last-through-the-ages structure over there!

How does an artist who can’t NOT build serious biz-niz-y growth things like that?

She decides.

She makes space for it in her day, her energy, her soul.

She sits her butt in that space.

She stays committed to her vision and her decision.

She lets the space be filled and the way be shown!

(And if she’s anything like me, she probably also decides it will just be easy and flow and fun, no matter what she first thought about it!)


it’s really all just about tethering in your outcomes.

You will GET and BECOME whatever you move yourself towards. Often times, the parts of you that you thought to be most irrelevant or messy will become a pivotal building block of the thing. But either way … you’ll build the thing because you decided to build the thing.

So stop worrying about what about you isn’t enough, or right, or like the others. And quit trying to make wrong or bad or not proper enough the parts of you that flow the most easily.

And just decide:

What do you want to build?

There is zero possibility that you saying yes to the truest expression of your soul is a block to you having what you want, and becoming who and what you’re meant to be. If you’re experiencing that right now, it’s just because you bought into a belief that it’s either / or.


It’s never either / or. That’s just not how life works. Opt out of the lies that tell you your way forward is by compressing parts of you that want to come out. And just choose it mofo all.

Don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.

Kat x


🔥🔥 FIRED UP & FINANCIALLY READY TO EXPLODE is here! Eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk and a HALF! I have not been this, well, FIRED UP & READY TO EXPLODE in a LONG while.

You know when something just comes through you?

And it’s HOLY FREAKING FLOW YES and all the things?

And you FEEL the fire and the gold and the energy and the NOW?


this is that.


I’m so proud to invite you in to this brand new course with me! I will be teaching this in a LIVE Facebook group with twice weekly livestream trainings (+ more!) – something I have not done in a very long while.

When you say yes to soul-

life says yes to you.

Fired up and Financially Ready to Explode is the NEXT level wealth and mindset strategy for the already successful woman who is done playing small!

Here’s the thing –

There are very clear reasons why you never quite get to that FULL inhale-exhale state of money freedom, even as your income and lifestyle goes up.

You can bet your sweet ass we gonna talk about those reasons. Understand them. And learn how to roll with them. BECAUSE YOU GET TO BE ABLE TO BREATHE FULLY BEING YOU.

And OMG. So much more. And a LOT of it comes down to understanding that the MONEY WORKS FOR YOU WHEN YOU UNDERSTAND HOW TO ROLL WITH YOUR OWN CHANGING NEEDS.

And? That there are a million freakin’ ways to make money and there is ALWAYS money there that gets to come from flow. So for women like us … one of the biggest FOOLHARDY AF things we can do .. is try to make our business flow respond to things we think should work, things that did work, things that are working for others, etc!

What we need instead is simple:

A clear freaking understanding of where today’s money is at. This week’s. This months. The long-terms. And how to do it all in a way where true wealth growth becomes automated and inherent to who you are. Where you can breathe fully in your creative needs each day. AND, where it’s ALL fun and yes whilst making a crazy impact on those you want to help!

In short?


And that’s what we’re gonna do here:


– Next Level Wealth Mindset & Strategy for the Already Successful Woman Who is Done Playing Small –

We begin Thursday Feb 18th, US time.

30 days together.

Bi-weekly livestream trainings in our closed Facebook group. (Yes! I have not done this in absolutely AGES!)

Q&A sessions after each live training (times will vary to account for the multitude of timezones, all sessions recorded)

Daily conversation and asskickery and added learning in the Facebook group (I can’t wait!)

Journal prompts + homework to follow each training

Complete understanding of the different ways money should be coming in, covering over 30 different considerations for where money comes from and why it’s NOT coming in when it’s not!

Tailored to you pathway for understanding your blocks, setbacks, why you would NOT want what you say you want, and exactly where the biggest ‘bang for your buck’ moves are to be made in order to open up receiving.

Tailored to you pathway for understanding how to flow with the above based on your changing needs, energies, goals, and desires!

I’m teaching you exactly how I always know how to roll with my OWN ebbs and flows, and the exact way that I do that. This is why it’s tailored! I teach you how to design the process for YOU, and how to always know when things need adjusting or fine-tuning

Here is my all in all purpose and intent for you with this brand new course:

1) You understand how to get money to show up from you via automated and systematic ‘cash machine’ sources, in a way that is fully aligned and flow yes for you and your brand AND your peeps

2) You understand how to roll with the day to day living breathing moving changing multi-passionate VIBE of the thing, namely how to pluck down money from the great beyond like the supernatural badass you are DEPENDING ON WHO AND WHAT YOU ARE AND WHAT IT IS YOU NEED TO BE DIALED IN AND SWITCHED ON THAT DAY. Etc.

I can’t wait to spend these 30 days with you! We begin We begin Thursday Feb 18th, US time.

This? Is the fire and gold and holy freakin’ rainfall you’ve been waiting for. LET’S GO.


The pre-work is hands on and practical AF! 🔥 Join today and receive immediate access to a 1 hour+ previously private client only audio I recorded on the 11 Ways We Make More Money Consistently in my company. You can implement all of this now, it’s one of the most powerful trainings I ever recorded.


I’ve included a Join Today Bonus!

Every day up til our start date I will be emailing out a photo of my journaling from that day, and an insight into why / what I journaled, plus a prompt or three for you. This is a join today bonus on TOP of the pre-work! Fun!

Psssst there are other badass bonuses as well. But you’ll have to read the page to see 😉

Read original article here

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