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Home Women Business News Amanda Goetz, Founder Of House Of Wise

Amanda Goetz, Founder Of House Of Wise

This Trailblazers series takes a look at the pivotal milestones that make up the life trails of inspiring women from a diverse array of backgrounds and experiences. We all know what social media profiles display about the end results women have achieved. This series is intended to take a deeper, more authentic look at the journeys they have taken to get there. 

Amanda Goetz is the founder of House of Wise, a luxury CBD brand for women, and half-time CMO at Teal. As a single mom of three that shares her personal and professional journey openly, she is passionate about examining and overcoming stigmas.  

After learning more about the trail that Amanda has blazed, I got the chance to ask her some questions.

Rebekah Bastian: You’ve worked at several startups and founded two companies. Did you always imagine you’d be an entrepreneur? 

Amanda Goetz: Growing up I watched my parents build a plumbing and electrical business for my small town. Neither of them went to college and yet they navigated building a service business while also being there for me and my brother. My dad could choose when to work and coached my little league and soccer teams. I was always drawn to the idea of being in control of my work and life. 

Then I went on to manage the Ernest & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year program out of college and was inspired by many of the founders I met along that journey. 

The reality is, though, I am only inspired to work on problems I can relate to and that are in-line with my mission of supporting and empowering women. I am passionate about the stigmas and double standards we face on a daily basis and want to spend my life helping break them down and building women up. 

Bastian: How has your motherhood journey—from infertility to having three young children—played a role in your professional path? 

Goetz: Going through fertility treatments is a roller coaster and you create this narrative in your head about motherhood, putting it on a pedestal. It took a long time for me to accept that I love building AND being a mom; that one does not preclude the other. You can feel two competing emotions at once and, as a mom, I have realized that is oftentimes the case. I can be thankful and exhausted. I can love being a mom and also not love parenting 24/7. 

Above anything else, being a mom has taught me about ruthless prioritization. Any wasted minute of work or working on things that have minimal impact, or even running towards the wrong goal, are all things that take me away from my time with my kids. I measure everything on impact & effort. 

Having kids also opened my eyes to societal constructs that don’t serve parents. The 9-5pm is just something we created long ago when we worked in factories and didn’t have computers or phones to connect us. Really great leaders know how to align people on outcomes over output and not micro-manage the human behind the role. 

Bastian: Both cannabis and women’s empowerment can be divisive topics. What drew you to the intersection of these spaces? 

Goetz: Watching myself and many of my friends lean on alcohol for the nightly “come down” after dealing with work, house, life and kids. When I was dealing with a divorce, 3 kids and my company being acquired and merged with our biggest competitor, I turned to the nightly glass or two of wine and I continued to see a spike in my anxiety and poor sleep quality. 

As a marketer I also see how alcohol is mainstreamed in the media; however, cannabis has been falsely classified and portrayed due to a very interesting history of prohibition and racial inequality (if you haven’t read Smoke Signals by Martin Lee, it’s a great read on the social history of cannabis). 

Women are being told we can “have it all” and “do it all” yet we are not being set up to succeed when we take the swing at this life. I believe women’s empowerment is about the tools, resources and no BS discussion about the reality of juggling all that we have to. Cannabis helped me and I know it can help many women. So I wake up every day focused on the mission of removing all the stigmas. 

Bastian: The idea of self care for women has been fairly pink-washed and commercialized. What does self care really look like for you? 

Goetz: I agree so much. “Self care Sunday” makes me want to throw up at times. Women are often relinquished to saying a hot shower, a workout or even a solo bathroom trip is “self care.” WTF?! I would like us to turn it on its head and remind ourselves to stop feeling guilt over any of these things (and way more). We shouldn’t have to feel thankful for taking a bath. We should unapologetically be taking care of ourselves since no one else really does, and I mean that in a hyperbolic, relational and societal way. 

Bastian: After filing for divorce, leaving a corporate career and founding a startup during a pandemic, what advice do you have for other women considering taking risks to follow their dreams? 

Goetz: Three things: 1) Therapy is the foundation for all that I do. I did not take filing for divorce lightly and I went to therapy two times a week for a year to make sure I was prepared and making the choice out of logic, not emotion. 

2) There is no award at the end of life for “surviving” or “getting through”. Your happiness is yours to find and you deserve to live the life you want. As far as we know, we only get one go on this floating space rock so why not give it all you got and wake up every day seeking peace and joy and happiness. 

3) You are not alone. A lot of the things I speak openly about (divorce, miscarriage, infertility, dating as a mom) are usually topics we’ve been taught to keep to ourselves. But guess what?! Millions of women go through all of those things and its time we start focusing on vulnerability which leads to connection, support and then empowerment.

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