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Home Women Business News COVID-19 GUAVA GUIDE by Isabella Silverio

COVID-19 GUAVA GUIDE by Isabella Silverio

Mar 17, 2020


Just like you, I am also looking at my phone 16x per minute hoping for a Breaking News headline that says “COVID-19, No Longer A Threat!” Until that time, I wanted to give you a synopsis of how a potential decline can affect your online business. This post is divided up into several sections  – so feel free to jump around and get what you need.

Scripts, Tips, Thoughtful Insight 


First and foremost: wash your hands. Do not leave the house unless it is to buy food, go to work, pick up prescriptions, or go to a hospital. I’ve paused my membership at Orange Theory and am going on jogs around the neighborhood to get some sun and fresh air. 

A little about myself: my name is Isabella “Guava” Silverio and I am an online business coach who teaches women how to embody their CEO through practices surrounding building teams, personal branding, scaling their revenue, and creating healthy boundaries. I love all things business, Chanel, my Dominican rum pirate Victor, and my Chief of Peanut Butter, Mr. Cash.


The extreme conditions our country and the world faces is a difficult pill to swallow. Small businesses are suffering, the economic downturn is on it’s way. I also anticipate the problem getting much worse before it gets better. 

Apart from fear for my older family members and friends who have been directly affected by the pandemic, I have had so many running thoughts over the past few days while writing this post and if I were to sum it up in a few words it would be: Do what is true for you.

Everyone is looking around for directions. Questioning what is right and what is wrong. Realizing that they don’t have as much control they thought they dd. Being debilitated from taking any action to gain that control back – creating heightened doubt and fear. 

With heightened fear comes a stronger sense of intuition. Your heart knows what is right for you, but there is too much noise (including this blog post) blocking the message. 



Drop in, take a deeeeeeeep breath, and make the commitment to yourself to only make aligned actions moving forward during the pandemic. 


Aligned Action: an action that is created from inspiration that aligns with your desires for life and decision to receive it. 

For example, I want to record an IGTV because it sounds fun! Even though I have never done one before, I want to see what happens.

Example of not an aligned-action – I want to record an IGTV, but everyone is doing IG Stories and FB lives, Maybe I should just do that.

*does IG Stories and nothing happens, hmmm wonder why that is!*


  • Do not treat this time like a long weekend staying indoors where you wear pajamas 24/7 and binge Netflix for hours on end. Get up, get cute, and take care of yourself. It’s a fact that when we put effort into our appearance, our confidence boosts.
  • Do not hoard your money out of fear. Instead, spend your money on things you find necessary and will give you tremendous value in the future. Be responsible, but not stingy.
  • Launch offers that your audience is not demanding. People are looking for what is going to give them the most bang for their buck right now. Consider pivoting your course/program/product to appease the large majority and hits on their pleasure points. More on creating the perfect offers later on. 
  • Be a victim of taking non-aligned actions due to all of the voices in your ear and noise online. Again, do what is true for you.

If you are looking to learn about organizing, making, and profiting more money in your online business, join my Wealthy CEO Masterclass with Chloe Elise! This 2.5 hour bootcamp is taking place at 3:30 EST on Thursday, March 19th. We are going to provide you with tools, resources and education needed to safely plan for a successful financial future. You can sign up by clicking here.

5 Actions I Took When I Realized the Extent of The Current Pandemic

     1. I notified everyone on the Guava Team that their jobs are secure and there is no reason to believe lay-offs are possible. 

On that note: everyone has a right to prepare for the future. If you might let someone go, let them know NOW so they can prepare. Adopt full transparency in times like this. 

  1. Instead of a team call, I coached everyone through their fear. My team members also have their own businesses and I supported them on what to do next, and how to show up online. 
  2. Scheduled bonus group calls for all Guava Programs. Now is the time to step up as a coach and be there for as many people as possible. I also invited past clients to the calls. Coaching does not end once the engagement is over. My support is available for all who seek it. 
  3. I plan on grinding like never before. I’ve adopted the wise words from Frank Ocean who said “Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise”. I am applying my own CEO Embodiment framework: Foundation, Innovation, Generation during this extra time – would you like to see this in another blog post?
  4. I paused marketing for my 6-month mastermind Guava Girl Inner Circle. I came to his decision from understanding that while this offer is incredible, it is not what my Guava Girls need. All women who already enrolled are receiving private coaching & are in a community 🙂  Women can still inquire and enroll. However – I am too excited for my next offering (which I will reveal in a few days).



Showing Up

I mentioned Frank Oceans quote earlier in this post and want to give more context as to why I think everyone should be adopting the mantra Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.

There is A LOT of noise going on social media. Part of that is due to content creators knowing that there is a surge of time being spent online, and there is a lot to gain from being “face-y.”

This can be compared to TV stations in a cable package. When I was growing up, my TV had 70ish channels, but I only watched 3 of them: Disney, HGTV, and MTV. I would use the remote to alternate between any of those 3 any hardly ever cruise around elsewhere.

Your audience is spending more time at home flicking through bunches of channels, but pretty soon, they are going to narrow down to their favorites. Will you be their top pick?

Personal branding, consistent content, and showing the results from your business is more important than ever before. 



I told my clients today that if they are going to be spending 10 hours in front of their computers and phones to make sure all 10 hours are being spent either building, creating, or serving.

We have been given the gift of time to put our heads down and get sh*t DONE. Take advantage.

While Netflix & Chill is definitely on everyone’s to-do list, make sure you it’s happening during times you would normally relax and decompress.

Distraction and over-consumption is the enemy of exponential growth. Here are some ideas on what to work on with all of this free time (some of which are also on my aligned-action list!)

  • Systems to support your business if your business is 2x the size of what is is now (Build these now so you won’t have to later)
  • Automations and Tools such as:
    • Quick Replies on Instagram to help answer common questions
      • For example one I implemented is “Hi there! Can you please email [email protected] and submit your request? Thanks! – Team Guava”

    • Email sequences for introducing yourself to your audience when they opt-in your list, selling passive offers, and weekly newsletters

  • Online Communities are where it’s AT right now. If you are not already utilizing Facebook groups to talk to other people having similar experiences as you, do it! This is also a great opportunity to build up your own facebook group (I recorded a podcast episode on this topic which you can listen to here)
  • Relationships! Like the famous Michael Scott once said, “I’m not in the paper business, I’m in the people business.” Reach out, collaborate, and be friendly! My favorite technique for establishing online relationships is by bringing something to offer and getting a date on the calendar. For example:
    • “Hi [NAME]! Would you like to hop on a virtual coffee date call with me and some other entrepreneurs/service providers/bloggers/etc ? Only rule to join is to bring something of value to share with everyone! Think of it as a “entrepreneurship potluck” – are you free [INSERT SUGGESTED DATE]? 🙂 “

  • Creating Insanely valuable content for your audience: live streams, free trainings, freebies, infographics will all go 10x further than before


For My Guava Mama’s

One of my team members informed me that on top of working remotely in her corporate job and running her business from home – she will now have to homeschool her 6-year old son for 4 hours each day.

While I believe appreciation for teachers is going to skyrocket – so many parents are struggling to manage having the kiddos at home and getting work done.

As a woman who is not yet a mother, I just want to tell you that you know what is best for your family and all of your effort is enough.

I suggest getting everything on a calendar and sticking to time frames as much as possible. Focus on what you can control – let go & ask for patience for what you cannot.

Here is a free Google Calendar Freebie I created a couple of years ago, you might find it helpful!



Now is a good time to figure out WHAT policies you are going to put in place if clients want to cancel or pause their contracts. Step into your CEO and set guidelines such:

  • Offering flexible payment options
  • Pausing payments & coaching and write up an addendum to ensure neither party is backing out of the contract
  • Assessing the contract every 7 days and moving to a weekly payment method

……Again, do what is true for you



Another topic I have been getting loads of advice requests on. Good news! Regardless of the current pandemic, we still live in a supply and demand economy. Business owners need to figure out what the new demand is and create offers, content, and products to satisfy the consumer. 

What criteria do these offers have? Glad you asked

✔ Immense value 

✔ Great price point 

✔ Sense of community & connection

✔ Will help your ideal client (IC) make more money 

If you are a health, mindset, or spiritual coach, your offers might be seen as not necessary and a “afforded luxury”. Pivot your offers and messaging to help your IC support themselves through this current hardship. When people are faced with massive threats (like right now), they are in survival mode. Meaning if they don’t think it will help make them more money, they will not invest. 

I anticipate memberships, courses, ebooks, and virtual retreats are going to be H-O-T in the coming weeks. 


Would you like to fill out this market research form on a new program I am launching for a chance to win a free 30-minute private call with me? It only takes 3-5 minutes



I have a lot to say to coaches right now and hopefully, this all comes out the right way..

YES, you should still be selling your offers – why wouldn’t you?
NO, you should not be using fear mongering to make sales
YES, it is okay to cancel your current or next launch and make a quick pivot in your business (as I mentioned I did earlier in this post)

NO, looking to others for validation. Truth is, no one really knows what is going to happen. Again – do what is true for you.


If you are afraid of clients letting go of your services, you are valid in feeling that way! But let’s try our best to make sure that doesn’t happen, okay? Go ahead and bring even more value to your paying customers and make yourself indispensable. I also suggest asking them:

“Hi [NAME]! I want to assure you that your investment in [NAME OF SERVICE] is going to take you even further this month during the current pandemic. I am [ACTION STEP(S)] to give you and all of my clients bigger results given the extra time on my hands. However, if you have any concerns about continuing services – I ask that you let me know so I can address them head on. I strive to be the best [INSERT ROLE] possible and want to ensure all of your needs are met”


Lots to say here. I think while we would like to believe we would be taking advantage of all of this extra time to do clean out the medicine cabinet, closet, fridge, & random close you hope no one opens – many of us are going to be connected to our devices. & I think thats ok!

It’s a crazy time, the news is updated every hour, and you want to see what people are up to.

Just make sure you get some movement, brush your teeth, and limit the cookie intake (OK Isabella take your own advice!)

Me & Victor are going to be moving soon (eeek!) one of our #alignedaction tasks is to start prepping to pack our belongings


Entrepreneurship is going to rise as more people are realizing they are not as in control of their future as presumptuously thought. They understand now that nothing is “secure”, not even a 9-5 job.

Newcomers will look to side hustles, influencer marketing, and online services to find financial stability and as leaders – we can share our own journeys to make theirs a little easier. Don’t you think? 

If you can visualize a separation between entrepreneurs who will take radical steps towards growing their online business during this time versus those who will take a back seat and “watch what happens” – then it’s easy to see who is going to emerge as an industry leader and who will be playing catch up once this all subsides

I asked inside my FB Community – who here is afraid of investing in courses & programs but also wants to sell courses & program

^^ There was an overwhelming amount of YES as a response.


You are an energetic match for everything that is going to happen in the next 2-6 weeks while we are under quarantine. Believing that you can MAKE money while hoarding it, is not what I would consider an action of leadership

I say this one more time: Do what is true for you. Your intuition during this time is fighting for the attention along with your fear.

Choose your dreams over your drama ❤️

Coach Isabella


Building a Profitable Facebook Group

Google Calendar Freebie

Market Research From (complete to win a free 30-minute call!) 

Facebook Group Community of Women CEO’s

Read original article here

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