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Home Women Business News I AM my money story — Kate Crocco

I AM my money story — Kate Crocco

Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,

This week we had an amazing guest on the podcast, Jillian Bolanz who spoke about overcoming the lie of “I am my money story”. Today I want to briefly dive into this lie with you, as I know so many of us have felt this way at one point or another.

Here is my word of wisdom for you —> Don’t grant your past money story the permission to write your future destiny

Each and every single one of us holds a money story within, whether we like it or not, are aware of it or not, or want to believe it or not. AND these past money stories are what shaped us into who we are today. They can often be the scapegoat to our current money issues and mindsets, but like anything in life, we can either allow the past to work against us OR for us.

As a child with entrepreneurial parents, I often remember them chatting about how how they were going to pay for things. They flipped houses and as an adult who invests in real estate, I can attest to how stretched money can be when we are on our next project. I could have chosen to look at it as, “They were always stretched thin and why I am not stretched thin” OR “They had so many incredible opportunities and decided to take chances and get creative with their money in order to make them work”. And as an adult, luckily I’ve chosen to take on the latter story.

What is your money story? Are you allowing it to work FOR you or AGAINST you? I want to challenge you this week to re write that story with this quick exercise:

  1. What money stories am I holding onto that are working AGAINST my success?

  2. What money stories can I CHOOSE to focus on that will work FOR my success?

Can you flip your story today? If this post resonated today, comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting into a more abundant mindset in your business.

And catch Jillian’s episode on this topic over at the Podcast HERE!

Blessings + Abundance,

XO Kate

Read original article here

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