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Home Women Business News INTERVIEW: DEBORAH KOS | Kayla Brissi


Book Title(s): Out of My Comfort Zone and The Beauty In My Mess Vol 2

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What is your backstory? How did you find your calling?

As a stay at home mom with 17 years of experience, I became the go-to expert for anything household related.

Other moms were coming to me for cooking advice, laundry tips, and household hacks, recipes, and food product recommendations.

I will never forget that Halloween Day and the physical pain I experienced.  That pain led me on a journey that changed my life for the better.  I became a Professional Lifestyle Blogger. 

You’ll have to read the rest of the story in Out of My Comfort Zone to get all the juicy details on how I started my business.

What do you enjoy the most about what you do?

I enjoy writing blog posts that help people lessen their stress. I like to provide easy and simple tips that moms can use in everyday life. I enjoy being the Mom Tester so you don’t have to make the mistakes I did.

I enjoy engaging with my readers and helping them with their household struggles and giving them my traditional recipes.

I also love meeting entrepreneurs and networking.

What is your latest book about? What inspired you to write it?

My story is about getting Out of My Comfort Zone. It is about my physical pain and how it changed me into a business entrepreneur. It is about how I struggled to do something different in my life that I have never done before. It is about how I started my business and the struggle to keep it going.

I was inspired to write the book because I believe that pain can change a person. Pain can help you to be the person that you were meant to be.

I want to encourage others to get out of their comfort zone and follow their dream.

What’s your greatest achievement to date? Why are you proud of it?

As much as I am proud of starting a business after 17 years as a stay at home mom, I am happier to become a co-author twice. 

I have wanted to write a book since second grade.  I had a great English teacher in second grade who encouraged us to be writers. I finally have achieved that dream. It took way too many years, but the fact that I am an Author makes me extremely proud of my accomplishment.

Who has inspired you the most on your journey?

This is a tough question because I admire all entrepreneurs. I learn from all business owners. They inspire me to believe in myself and keep going after my dreams. I couldn’t have started my business without them.

Who would you love to meet one day and why?

I would like to meet Tony Robbins. I believe he is one of the best motivational speakers. I would love to attend one of his speaking events. I know I would learn a lot from him.

What do you wish someone told you before you became an entrepreneur/business owner/author?

I wish I knew about all the different apps that I needed to run a business. I would have had things set up ahead of time before I became a business.

What advice would you like to give others who are on the same or similar journey as you?

Don’t give up! Ask plenty of questions! Believe in yourself and go for it!

What’s the best piece of advice that you have received recently?

A positive mindset and gratitude are the keys to life and succeeding in business.

What’s next for you?

I would like to write another book in the near future! Hint, Hint!

I also want to keep blogging and helping busy moms with their household struggles and see what opportunities transpire for me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself working with a lot of great entrepreneurs on a bunch of different ventures. I also want to keep writing more books and someday be a speaker at an event.

What can we catch you doing when you’re not working/writing?

You can catch me reading books or magazines while I am riding my stationary bike. I also love water aerobics.  I even pull out the hula hoop once in a while.

You can also find me watching romance or holiday movies to unwind and destress.

What book impacted your life the most and why?

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. I read the book when I was little. I cried at the end of the book. I told my mom that I would never read another book again.

A year or two later, my English teacher got me to read books again. She made me order a book to read. I also had to write a book report. I picked a book on interpreting dreams and I was hooked on reading.

What are three random facts about you?

  1. I have won hula hoop contests in the past.

  2. I live for a cup of coffee with a square of dark chocolate.

  3. I love staring at a lighted Christmas tree in a dark room.  It looks so beautiful!

What is your favorite quote?

“Just Be You, Your Own Unique Self!” – Deborah Kos

What special offer would you like to share with us?

My “30 Daily Intentions for the Month”! You can download it below.

Read original article here

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