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Is Less More Than More At Work? Basecamp Is Betting On The Power Of Subtractive Changes

Leidy Klotz’s new book Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less explores an underutilized change technique — the art of taking away. As he writes in an article for Behavioral Scientist, this realization came to him while building a Legos bridge with his son. When they realized the support towers were unequal heights, he reached behind him to grab a Lego to add to the shorter tower. When he turned back around, the problem was already fixed. His son had removed a Lego from the taller tower.

In our strive to fix or improve systems, processes, and places, our impulse is to add, rather than take away. We often neglect subtraction as a powerful change agent. But are there gains to be realized when we subtract things from the employee experience? Can less really be more when it comes to employee engagement? Basecamp is betting on it.

In a bold, company-wide blog post, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried outlined what they were subtracting from the employee experience. While originally agreeing to an email interview for this piece to dive deeper into what ripple effects he thinks these decisions could have on employees, he then wrote to say his focus is on his people right now and he can’t do any press. That said, the changes — and the way they were communicated — are momentous enough to deserve further consideration.

Subtractive change #1: No more societal and political discussions on the company Basecamp account

Previously “taboo topics” at work” have included everything from infertility and miscarriages, to mental health and menstruation — and we’re seeing those sensitive topics now come into the light as companies create benefits and spaces to address those issues. The societal upheaval of the last year has been impossible to ignore, and some companies have reacted better than others.

The most controversial of Basecamp’s subtraction statements is taking societal and political discussions at work off the table. But how will that impact psychological safety? Will minority groups feel that the culture is safe if certain topics that are impacting them are off the table?

Subtractive change #2: No more paternalistic benefits

Basecamp’s idea of paternalistic benefits is those that people can use for their wellness or continuing education goals. Eliminating them is an interesting choice. Employers have a tremendous ability to positively impact their employees’ lives — especially through ethically nudging healthier behaviors. While maintaining an equivalent cash benefit for employees to use is a nice gesture, we know that humans tend to put immediate gratification over the actions that benefit them in the long term. It’s more likely the infusion of cash will go toward “want to have” items versus gyms or tuition — potentially leaving employees less well-off in the future.

But what does this mean for broader wellbeing efforts at Basecamp? Is wellbeing off the table? Has it been removed from the human resources roadmap? Employees are likely asking these same questions — and wondering what type of mental health and wellbeing support they can expect if they need it in the future.

Subtractive change #3: No more committees

Part of the power of committees is the diversity of thought when the committee is also diverse. Important nuances can be lost when those voices are lost. Basecamp’s memo explained that the efficiency gained from putting decision-making power back into one set of designated hands was worth it to them, and they trust the people they hired to do specific jobs to simply get on with things.

One of the jobs specifically called out in the memo was that the responsibility for diversity, equity, and inclusion would return to Andrea LaRowe, head of people ops at Basecamp. One of the largest myths about diversity and inclusion work is that it is a job for one person to fix. Or that the role should be centrally positioned within human resources. The best cultural transformations aligned to purpose and improving business performance are rarely driven out of human resources. Providing and maintaining an inclusive culture is everyone’s job — and shouldn’t sit squarely on the shoulders of one person.

Subtractive change #4: No more lingering or dwelling on past decisions

This is a subtractive change to get behind. While there is a power in a post-mortem to extract all lessons learned from past projects and decisions, the memo was right to call out that sometimes we can take too long to make a decision or spend too much time looking in the rearview mirror. That said, Basecamp would do well to unpack how and why decision-making fell off the rails in the first place.

From the memo: “We’ve become a bit too precious with decision making over the last few years. Either by wallowing in indecisiveness, worrying ourselves into overthinking things, taking on a defensive posture and assuming the worst outcome is the likely outcome, putting too much energy into something that only needed a quick fix, inadvertently derailing projects when casual suggestions are taken as essential imperatives, or rehashing decisions in different forums or mediums. It’s time to get back to making calls, explaining why once, and moving on.”

Subtractive change #5: No more 360 reviews

360 reviews can be an inefficient and ineffective feedback mechanism. But that does beg the question as to how Basecamp will formally document performance going forward. That documentation often determines who gets raises and — on the flip side — firing will be a whole lot harder without said documentation.

Subtractive change #6: No forgetting what we do here

On its own, that subtractive change statement could form the base of a strong set of company values. There is an elegance to it. Purpose is why a company exists. And Basecamp was clear in the memo that they are here to “make project management, team communication, and email software. We are not a social impact company.”

People join companies because of the company’s values and what they stand for. Will this frank statement of Basecamp’s purpose be enough for existing and future talent?

The power of subtraction

When we look to improve or change things, we often overlook the power of subtraction. In taking things off the table, Basecamp approached employee engagement in a novel way. But will it work? Time — and retention rates — will bear out if Basecamp’s approach will be a benefit or a detriment to employee morale. In a short follow-up to the original memo, Fried reflects on this. “When the complications around the concern have cleared, how will it feel? That’s how I find peace in making decisions today. The outcome comes along, it’s rarely here now. Time will tell, as it always does.”

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