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The COVID Warriors of IMPERIA™

The COVID Warriors of IMPERIA™

My Founder’s Corner column examines the various challenges founders face in their journey of startup, growth, and scale. Through my work with companies around the globe in tech, entertainment, education, social impact and numerous other industries, I highlight themes that affect all founders, but there are nuances particular to the women founders I work with.


As you may be aware from all the brands shouting it from the rooftops, today is International Women’s Day. Your inbox will be flooded with self-congratulatory promotions of initiatives which may or may not be well-intended, and likely ineffective, but hey, it’s a step forward. For the record, however, I’d rather see equal pay, rights, and funding for women around the world.

March 8th, for me, is a day to reflect upon the spark that began this 7-year journey of what it means to be A Woman on Planet Earth Creating Things — not just from my perspective, but from the collective view of women around said planet. In my mind, women equal resilience, and some are able to transcend the most hideous of circumstances to lead the world forward in a way that is so inspirational and profound, they are unable to see the full breadth of their impact. Those were the women who compelled me to start asking questions.

What was special about them — and their autonomy? What was the spark that changed everything for them?

I’ve devoted an entire theory to this, which you’ll be able to read in my upcoming book, but I’m also exploring it through this blog, and my newsletters, and other fun things I’m creating. For now, however, I’m happy to shine a spotlight on women actually doing the thing.

This year, International Women’s Day is recognizing the COVID warriors who have helped guide us through the pandemic response around the globe, and for the month of March, I’m proud to be highlighting a number of them from our first IMPERIA™ global cohort.

We’re starting our tour of amazing women in India with Dipti Mrinalini, a sustainable fashion designer from Hyderabad.

I met Dipti on my State Department speaking tour through India to get entrepreneurs excited about the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, and our bond continued after my return home, so when IMPERIA opened its doors we were happy to welcome her.

Dipti has been an absolute champion through COVID, and was able to pivot from creating elegant fashion items to crafting PPE for various localities in India. Her work went from being featured in Vanity Fair to covering the faces of government officials!

My friend Kirsten Alana created an in-depth interview series with Dipti on IMPERIA’s blog. Here’s a little snippet:

I always say that it’s important to listen to your heart. I know that’s easier said than done, but it’s a lot harder to have something dying to come out of you and just suppressing it. Fulfilling your purpose brings true meaning to life, and that’s definitely not worth giving up for satisfying outdated perceptions of a woman’s role in society. A family life and managing home is such a significant aspect of people and nation building, but it shouldn’t have to come at the expense of fulfilling your dreams. If you should want to choose a path that involves mothering a business and not a child at this moment in time, please do! The God who made you certainly doesn’t look at you just as someone who has to take care of home, marry, bear and rear children. He made you with a boldness and beauty of heart and mind that deserves to burst out and bless others. (Read the full interview.)

I couldn’t agree more. Dipti, I’m so proud to know you, and am happy to share your story with more people so they can come to adore you like I do.

We’ll be publishing interviews throughout the month on the IMPERIA blog, so check back for more stories on these incredible women!

With love from NYC,



Photo: Dipti Mrinalini


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