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Home Women Business News The pandemic is no longer a "surprise."

The pandemic is no longer a “surprise.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, everyone (myself included) was shocked, derailed, and had to pivot in some way, large or small. 

For me, pivoting meant cancelling my company’s annual event in France, and other gatherings that we’d planned for our clients. We had to find ways to deliver high-caliber events online—keeping our clients engaged and entertained even while starting at a screen. (Shout out to DJ Shammy Dee for bringing all the bops and making Zoom meetings feel like an NYC rooftop dance party!)

Pivoting also meant pulling my kids out of the traditional school system and switching to home school with online education and a private tutor.

There were lots of adjustments, both on the business front and in my personal life. I suspect the same has been true for you. 

And now, here we are, almost a year into this ride. The pandemic is no longer a “surprise.” We’ve adjusted to the new routine. Limited travel. Hand sanitizer. Face masks. Social distancing. Virtual work.

There’s hopeful news about the vaccine. But even if everything with the vaccine goes perfectly, realistically, it will be probably be another 9 to 12 months before the world is fully up and running again. 

Knowing this, how can you plan ahead? How can you plan a successful and rich year? Financially rich and emotionally rich, too?

A few good pointers to keep in mind as you make your 2021 plans—and a few predictions:

– Your clients and customers are experiencing tech-exhaustion.

Yes, we’re working online. But let’s do it mindfully. Don’t schedule unnecessary Zoom meetings. Give your clients tech breaks and infuse non-tech connection into their lives—send snail mail, create worksheets they can print at home, or create podcast episodes and audiobooks that they can enjoy without having to stare directly at a screen. 

As you’re designing programs and figuring out how to run your business in 2021, ask yourself, “How can I deliver my content online, but without overwhelming and exhausting my people?”

– You need unplugged time, too.

Don’t forget to dial up your own self-care—including turning off your phone, taking email-free nights and weekends, and reducing mindless social media scrolling time—so that you can show up as your best self. 

The pandemic has been emotionally taxing on everyone, some more than others, but every person on Earth has been impacted. Take excellent care of yourself.

– Large in-person gatherings probably won’t be possible…for a while.

But if you’re someone who loves organizing in-person events, plan ahead and get ready for the moment when air travel, workshops, retreats, and conferences can happen again. 

Scope out venues. Get pricing. Make an event budget. Plan ahead so that you can be “first in line” to roll out a beautiful event and sell tickets once it’s time. 

As soon as it’s safe to travel, I predict lots of people will be chomping at the bit and want to book trips immediately. “Get me outta this house!!!” I know I do! I am already fantasizing about my next trip to Hawaii and can’t wait until it’s time to go.

From studying history, we know that immediately after a traumatic event, like a war, there’s often a period of huge rejoicing. Lots of celebrations. Long-overdue weddings and honeymoons. A baby boom. I suspect we’ll see something similar after the pandemic feels “over.” As a business owner, how could you support your customers at this time and help them experience the joy, celebration, relief they are craving?

– Your clients and customers are more optimistic than you might think. 

According to a recent survey from Credit Karma (released just a few weeks ago), more than 50% of Americans are actually feeling very optimistic about their finances in 2021, and over 30% are saving up for a vacation. 

This signals to me that people are feeling lighter, more hopeful, and are in the mood to spend and invest in products, services, and experiences that upgrade their lives. Small business owners, rejoice!

– Your BIPOC clients and customers are still watching you, skeptically. 

If you’re a white business owner, last year during the peak of the Black Lives Matter movement, which happened to coincide with pandemic lockdowns in many states, you probably pledged to help support BIPOC people. You posted online, promising to stand in solidarity, be part of the solution, and build an anti-racist business. 

Maybe you took action and you’ve kept that promise. Or maybe you got busy with “life” and kinda forgot. You may have forgotten, but your customers have not. They notice what you are doing and not doing. 

Remember the pledge you made. Build anti-racist action steps into your business plan, not just one time when it’s convenient or trendy to do so, but ongoing.

. . . 

The pandemic is still happening. This shouldn’t be a “surprise” anymore. 

You know what to expect, at least for the next couple of business quarters.

It’s true that some things can’t be predicted. Some aspects of the future are very uncertain. But, on the other hand, many things are very certain. 

Your clients want results. Your rent is due on the 1st. The sun will rise. The sun will set. Your kids need to be clothed, fed, and educated. A nice walk will always make you feel better. There are many certainties in life.

Focus on the parts of life that are known, secure, and certain. Focus on what you can do to provide immense value to your clients, customers, boss, or colleagues. Focus on what you can do to feel powerful. 

Plan accordingly.


PS. Need a lift for your spirit, mind, and bank account, too? An inspiring sermon to get your year started off right? Come to the Plan Your Year Like a Millionaire event. Next THURSDAY January 14, 10am-3pm. This 4-part live online workshop will help you lay out your seven-figure plan for this year. Join from anywhere in the world. 

To get your ticket to this exclusive event, all you need to do is pre-order 4 copies of my new book, We Should All Be Millionaires. Go HERE for instructions on how to get the book and get your ticket. 

This event will change the way you think about money, and set you up for a powerful year….and DJ Shammy will be there to make it unlike any online event you’ve attended. registration is closing so hurry to grab your books – See you there!

For me, pivoting meant cancelling my company’s annual event in France, and other gatherings that we’d planned for our clients. We had to find ways to deliver high-caliber events online—keeping our clients engaged and entertained even while starting at a screen. (Shout out to DJ Shammy Dee for bringing all the bops and making Zoom meetings feel like an NYC rooftop dance party!)

Pivoting also meant pulling my kids out of the traditional school system and switching to home school with online education and a private tutor.

There were lots of adjustments, both on the business front and in my personal life. I suspect the same has been true for you. 

And now, here we are, almost a year into this ride. The pandemic is no longer a “surprise.” We’ve adjusted to the new routine. Limited travel. Hand sanitizer. Face masks. Social distancing. Virtual work.

There’s hopeful news about the vaccine. But even if everything with the vaccine goes perfectly, realistically, it will be probably be another 9 to 12 months before the world is fully up and running again. 

Knowing this, how can you plan ahead? How can you plan a successful and rich year? Financially rich and emotionally rich, too?

A few good pointers to keep in mind as you make your 2021 plans—and a few predictions:

– Your clients and customers are experiencing tech-exhaustion.

Yes, we’re working online. But let’s do it mindfully. Don’t schedule unnecessary Zoom meetings. Give your clients tech breaks and infuse non-tech connection into their lives—send snail mail, create worksheets they can print at home, or create podcast episodes and audiobooks that they can enjoy without having to stare directly at a screen. 

As you’re designing programs and figuring out how to run your business in 2021, ask yourself, “How can I deliver my content online, but without overwhelming and exhausting my people?”

– You need unplugged time, too.

Don’t forget to dial up your own self-care—including turning off your phone, taking email-free nights and weekends, and reducing mindless social media scrolling time—so that you can show up as your best self. 

The pandemic has been emotionally taxing on everyone, some more than others, but every person on Earth has been impacted. Take excellent care of yourself.

– Large in-person gatherings probably won’t be possible…for a while.

But if you’re someone who loves organizing in-person events, plan ahead and get ready for the moment when air travel, workshops, retreats, and conferences can happen again. 

Scope out venues. Get pricing. Make an event budget. Plan ahead so that you can be “first in line” to roll out a beautiful event and sell tickets once it’s time. 

As soon as it’s safe to travel, I predict lots of people will be chomping at the bit and want to book trips immediately. “Get me outta this house!!!” I know I do! I am already fantasizing about my next trip to Hawaii and can’t wait until it’s time to go.

From studying history, we know that immediately after a traumatic event, like a war, there’s often a period of huge rejoicing. Lots of celebrations. Long-overdue weddings and honeymoons. A baby boom. I suspect we’ll see something similar after the pandemic feels “over.” As a business owner, how could you support your customers at this time and help them experience the joy, celebration, relief they are craving?

– Your clients and customers are more optimistic than you might think. 

According to a recent survey from Credit Karma (released just a few weeks ago), more than 50% of Americans are actually feeling very optimistic about their finances in 2021, and over 30% are saving up for a vacation. 

This signals to me that people are feeling lighter, more hopeful, and are in the mood to spend and invest in products, services, and experiences that upgrade their lives. Small business owners, rejoice!

– Your BIPOC clients and customers are still watching you, skeptically. 

If you’re a white business owner, last year during the peak of the Black Lives Matter movement, which happened to coincide with pandemic lockdowns in many states, you probably pledged to help support BIPOC people. You posted online, promising to stand in solidarity, be part of the solution, and build an anti-racist business. 

Maybe you took action and you’ve kept that promise. Or maybe you got busy with “life” and kinda forgot. You may have forgotten, but your customers have not. They notice what you are doing and not doing. 

Remember the pledge you made. Build anti-racist action steps into your business plan, not just one time when it’s convenient or trendy to do so, but ongoing.

. . . 

The pandemic is still happening. This shouldn’t be a “surprise” anymore. 

You know what to expect, at least for the next couple of business quarters.

It’s true that some things can’t be predicted. Some aspects of the future are very uncertain. But, on the other hand, many things are very certain. 

Your clients want results. Your rent is due on the 1st. The sun will rise. The sun will set. Your kids need to be clothed, fed, and educated. A nice walk will always make you feel better. There are many certainties in life.

Focus on the parts of life that are known, secure, and certain. Focus on what you can do to provide immense value to your clients, customers, boss, or colleagues. Focus on what you can do to feel powerful. 

Plan accordingly.


PS. Need a lift for your spirit, mind, and bank account, too? An inspiring sermon to get your year started off right? Come to the Plan Your Year Like a Millionaire event. Next THURSDAY January 14, 10am-3pm. This 4-part live online workshop will help you lay out your seven-figure plan for this year. Join from anywhere in the world. 

To get your ticket to this exclusive event, all you need to do is pre-order 4 copies of my new book, We Should All Be Millionaires. Go HERE for instructions on how to get the book and get your ticket. 

This event will change the way you think about money, and set you up for a powerful year….and DJ Shammy will be there to make it unlike any online event you’ve attended. registration is closing so hurry to grab your books – See you there!

Read original article here

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