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Home Women Business News You are worthy to build a life that you love — Kate...

You are worthy to build a life that you love — Kate Crocco

Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,

This week we had an amazing guest on the podcast, Ashley Abercrombie who spoke about overcoming the lie of “I am not worthy to build a life and career that I love”. Today I want to briefly dive into this lie with you, as I know so many of us have felt this way at one point or another.

Here is my word of wisdom for you —> If it’s already been done, it only means that it is possible for you

This week we are going deep girls! This lie of not feeling we are worthy for the life we desire or that there isn’t room for our unique story holds so many women back from pursuing their dream/calling. I do want to preface this by saying that it is completely NORMAL to experience these thoughts, but like any limiting belief, we have the choice to work through them if we desire to be on the other side.

I’d like to share a personal experience. Back two years ago when I began pursuing the book publishing process, I remember feeling “I should just remain a reader, writer of blog posts, and social media content giver. There are already how many New York Times Best Selling non fiction self help books?! Why would the world need mine, where there are more than enough to choose from?”

Although this lie haunted me for some time, I realized that not all best selling self help books resonated with ME. I read some incredible business books that were blended with spirituality. I read many great books written by men. I read great books with a christian point of view, but I hadn’t been able to find the book that I really NEEDED, that spoke exactly to ME. And so I declared, “Heck with it, I’ll write it FOR ME and if it never gets accepted, I’ll at least have my written story’“.

So how did I go from feeling completely unworthy as a reader in the background to putting myself in the front as a published author? TWO things:

  1. I first did it for myself. I needed that book to read, so I created it for myself. “Whether anyone else ever reads it, at least it will be a tool of healing and processing for me”. It feels really good when we can surprise ourselves, do something that feels impossible, and especially if we can say “no matter what, this is for ME and my healing”.

  2. I stopped being so selfish worrying about what others would think and envisioned the women who needed my very specific story. I thought about all the times that I had heard someone speak and felt that their story was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. I remembered how cleansing it felt every time I heard a mentor say “I’ve been there before”. I can remember furiously taking notes and hanging onto every little word. So how COULD I hold back from others?

In closing, I think it’s super important that we create goals and dreams based on our own desires, but then expect a beautiful ripple effect to those who need it around us. Are you having trouble feeling worthy to build something that you love? Do you struggle with feeling that others are deserving of it, BUT you? If this post resonated today, comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting into a more abundant mindset in your business.

And catch Ashley’s episode on this topic over at the Podcast HERE!

Blessings + Abundance,

XO Kate

Read original article here

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